All x Reader

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A/N: Okay, so this is about you finding out what sexuality you are. I'm sorry, there were SO MANY jokes I saw online I had to do it. I'm sorry it's so short! Enjoy!

You were hanging out with Thomas, your best friend, and his Sides.

You were in the middle of an existential crisis, so you asked them for help.

This is how they responded.

"Help? What do you need help with, kiddo?"

"Obviously something they cannot figure out themselves, Patton."

"So? What is it?"

"Virgil, stop it! Now you've gone and put her/him/them on the spot! Look how uncomfortable she/he/they look(s)!"

"Okay, all of you, quiet. (Y/n), what's the matter? You can trust us."

You took a deep breath, and explained.

"Okay, so, uh... I don't know how to put this...!" You laughed nervously. "Uh, okay, Thomas..!" You looked into his chocolate brown eyes.

"Yeah?" Thomas gazed into your (E/c) eyes.

"How did you... You know... Figure out you were..." You paused, not wanting to be insensitive. "Into men?"

"Ohh! I get it, you want us to help you-" Thomas gestured to himself and his Sides then to you,"-figure out where you are on that scale?"

"If you don't mind..." You mumbled.

"No, not at all, my Lady/Lord/Non-binary royalty!" Roman piped up.

You, Thomas, and the Sides began discussing who you had liked before (Yes you've been in relationships), who you had wanted to date, stuff like that.

"Here's a question for you, (Y/n), which celebrity would you want to date if you could?" Logan sat up a little straighter.

"Uh, probably (Celebrity you'd want to date)," You looked at them all.

At this point, you'd been talking for about two hours, and they were all pretty sure what you were.

"So, let me get this straight-" Roman grinned.

"More like let me run this bi you-!" Patton squealed.

"Let's just see how this pans out," Virgil mumbled, sitting back.

"We should ace-cess the situation," Logan pushed up his glasses.

"I'm gay," Thomas tried. (Did he fail?)

You stifled a laugh. Based on the talk you had just had with them, you felt like you knew what you were.

"Guys," you turned to look at them. "I think I've figured it out. I'm (Your sexuality)."

"That's great! We're glad we could help!" Thomas jumped forward and hugged you. Patton was next, then Roman, Virgil and Logan.

You were happy to have such great friends who accepted you.

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