Virgil x Reader

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A/N: Request from:  h2robsar  has arrived.


[✓] Yes

[    ] No

Mode of writing?

[    ] Careful and slow; 7+ days to finish

[    ] Quick spell check once done; 3 days to finish

[✓] do literally nothing until it's done and don't read it over; a few hours to finish

Virgil sighed in his room, looking at the website he had found. It was called "MasqueradeAmon". He had heard good things about it from the Google search he'd done and the copious videos he'd watched. It was a site were you could chat with other people and play games. In the games there was a chat and and audio chat. So what was Virgil doing? Well, he was joining a server under the username "Emo 💀"

Yes he was seriously doing this yes he was really going with that name yes he was going on audio chat yes there was no going back now oh gOD-

"Oh, hey Emo! You new here?" A (however you wanna describe your voice) came through the mic. 

"I mean.... Yeah." Virgil spoke, knowing the YouTube videos he watched didn't count.

"Hey, since you're new, you wanna join us on this quest?" A female voice joined in.

"Hey! You can't just do that, we don't know if this guy is a serial killer! Are you?" A male voice, that belonged to the last of the three people by Virgil's character spoke.

Virgil laughed. "No, I don't even leave my room ninety-eight percent of the time."

"Hah! Same." The first person who spoke said.

"Hey wait, I can't see you usernames. Is there a setting for that or?" Virgil went into his settings.

"Oh yeah, go into settings then chat then hit usernames until it's blue. That'll do the trick!" The male voice said. Virgil did that and..

(Yes these are puns on their names sO sUe mE)

The male voiced character's name was 'Juan-nago'.

The female voiced one was 'ImNotalie'.

And the (Y/v)'s username was (Your username).


"Hey nice usernames guys!" Virgil laughed. Pat would probably love them.

There were a few thanks. Juan-nago explained the mission to Virgil, and then  they were off.

I'll leave it up to you (the reader) to decide the specifics of that mission.

After that, everyone added each other to their friend list so they could group up and do more missions together. A few weeks passed, and soon the creators implemented a special chat option where only select people could hear you. The four friends took advantage of this and found out not only were they in the same state, but the same city, too! They decided to meetup despite everything they'd ever learned and soon that day had arrived.

Virgil went to the cafe they had agreed on (they decided to keep in touch via the website, maybe e change numbers after the meetup) and waited. He was about ten minutes early, so he waited on a bench outside. Someone came walking up, checking their phone before spotting Virgil.

"Hey!... Uh, would you happen to be Emo from MasqueradeAmon?" The person slowly walked up to him, cautious.

"I am! Are you (Y/u)?" Virgil stood up and grinned.

You nodded, grinning. "Shall we wait for Juan-nago and ImNotalie?"

Virgil nodded. You two got to talking and were talking about strategies to use for your next mission when to people showed up, a male and a female it looked like. They confirmed their genders and introduced themselves as "Juan, or as you know me, Juan-nago." And "Told you I wasn't a lie. My name's Natalie!"

Virgil was glad none of them were serial killers (or just killers in general) and went inside, following them. The four spent the rest of the day talking about a bunch of things, like other fandoms they were a part of, what mission they should do next, that sort of stuff.

The quartet kept meeting up, wether through the site or in real life. They all exchanged phone numbers and got pretty close.

Soon enough, Virgil had actual friends. Something he never thought he'd have, due to his personality and everything that happened. (He sees the other Sides as famILY) And you know what?

He couldn't be happier.

A/N: I'm never going to come up with something as clever as Juan-nago or ImNotalie in my entire life.

That being said, I will most likely not be active at all from tomorrow through till Wednesday. If I get a chance I will log on. Thank you all for being so understanding and patient 💜💜

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