Human!Deceit x Reader

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TW: mentions of death.

Tell me if I need to add anything else!

You sighed as you finished the milk off, knowing you were running low on food and would have to go out for more soon. You had never really liked going out. Especially after your best friend was killed in a explosion caused by a gas leak, you liked it even less. So you didn't do it whenever you could skip it.

The gas leak wasn't at his house though. It was at the bookstore where he worked. You never visited that place anymore. 

You had began wondering over the years if you saw him pass you on the street, or if it was just a longing to see your life-long friend again. You were getting ready to go out and wondered if that would happen again today. It hadn't for a while, so you were wondering if maybe, just maybe, you were slowly starting to accept the fact that he was gone.

Shaking yourself from your thoughts and double checking you had your wallet, phone and keys, you set off and decided to drive to the supermarket. Upon arriving, you sat in your car for a few minutes before getting out and walking into the store.

You hummed a small, sad tune while grabbing the groceries you needed. You had a basket instead of a cart, since you didn't eat much at all anymore.

Easy meals to make. Fruits, a few vegetables. Some instant noodles and microwaveable noodles. Some meats. Chicken. Milk, a few bottles of pop. All these items went into your basket, filling it to the brim. 

You went to the checkout and started unloading your basket. You got a glimpse of the person who was in front of you, doing a double take. It looked a lot like... 

You shook your head. It couldn't be him. He died. Three years ago.

Aside from thinking that you recognized your long-dead friend, the checkout went smoothly. Then came unloading all of you bags into your car.

It would've gone easily, if someone hadn't walked right past you. Someone who looked a lot like your life-long friend. A lot more than the person at the checkout. They even had similar markings on their face. You quickly threw the rest of your groceries inside your car. You didn't want to let this person walk past, maybe it was him! Maybe he wasn't dead. You barely remembered to close the back of your car in your panicked stupor of not wanting to miss this opportunity.

You ran up to the man and tapped his shoulder. "Excuse me?"

He turned around and your heart sank. "¿Si?" The man asked. 

He wasn't your friend. Last you knew he knew he wasn't learning any new languages.

"Oh, sorry.. I thought you were someone else." You apologize, smiled sadly, and went back to your car. 

"That's it. No more avoiding it. Maybe it'll help get rid of these stupid... These stupid visions? Hallucinations." You muttered, started your car, and drove to the place you had feared and dreaded even being near for three years.

You took a shaky breath as you pulled up to the bookstore. The place that had killed your best friend. It seemed so innocent, so unassuming. But to you it held plenty of tramua, plenty of misery.

And yet it still memories. Memories you'd made with D- with him here. First coming here. D- him falling in live with the beautiful wooden bookshelves and the books covering it. Going with him for his interview. Sharing his excitement when he was hired. Showing up for his first shift, joking and laughing. Buying a book Everytime you went. Books that held special memories, but sat on your shelf gathering dust. De- Him signing every book you bought with the amount of books you'd purchased there, his name, and a snake doodle.

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