Everyone x Reader

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You woke up, feeling strangely happy. Why? It was your birthday! You just hoped that your only friends remembered. It would be kinda sad if they didn't... 

You thought about texting them, only to decide you'd probably seem really pushy or self-centered if you reminded them that is was your birthday. So instead you decided to maybe go over to their- well, his - house and spend the day with them. Even if they didn't remember, you'd still have fun! So you got out of bed, stretched, and started to get ready for the day.

A few hours later, you went through a mental checklist. Breakfast, charge phone, shower, dry hair, style, get changed, and last but not least, let them know you were coming over.

Now, were did you put your phone...? Oh, there it was. You grabbed it, thinking about sending a text to the group chat before choosing to text Thomas only.

Y/N: Hey, Thomas! Is it cool if I come over today? Like right now?

There was a few minutes before he replied.

Thomas: Uh, I'm not at home right now. How bout later, like in an hour? Oh, happy birthday by the way!!

Y/N: Yeah sure! See you then. And thank you!!

You sighed but figured you should have texted him earlier. Oh well, it was only an hour. At least he remembered your birthday! Now to pass the time, you might as well watch YouTube, maybe scroll through Twitter or even Tumblr. 

Before you knew it, and hour had passed and your phone made a noise, telling you someone texted you.

Thomas: Hey! Feel free to come over now, I'm back no.

Thomas: now*

You did a small happy dance before checking to make sure you were still presentable. Satisfied with the way you looked you opened the front door and walked (or drove if your birthday is in the middle of winter) to his house. You happily rang the doorbell, glad you got to see at least one of the few friends you had.

Within minutes the door swung open. But... Wait. There was no one there? And it was dark. Why was it dark? What happened? Did the power go off? Did someone murder Thomas and was about to murder you? Was Thomas still not here? What if-

The lights flicked on.

You looked around for a few seconds, confused and amused by the balloons and streamers that were hung up. "Guys?" You started grinning.

"Surprise!!" They all called out at once. Logan stood up from under the table where he had been hidden. Roman launched himself over the railing from ontop of the stairs. Virgil opened the closet door a bit and stuck his head out, a half grin on his face. Patton came out of the kitchen, a bit of flour on his face. Thomas jumped out from behind the door.

"Happy birthday, (Y/n)!" Thomas beamed at you. "Do you like it?" He gestured to the streamers and balloons. "Roman got the idea to throw you a surprise party."

You nodded, grinning. "This is amazing!! I didn't think you guys would throw a whole surprise party for me!"

"Well, of course we would! You're our friend!" Patton smiled, walking towards you and giving you a hug.

"Pat's right. We all enjoy spending time with you." Virgil came out of the closet and close the door behind him.

Roman stood up from the floor (wait he's still alive how did he survIVE-) "For once, Emo Nightmare is correct. We all do enjoy your presence."

Logan nodded. "Hence why we created this surprise party." He paused before flipping through some vocab cards. "It is going to be 'lit'."

You giggled a little at all of them. "Well, thank you guys..! This is so sweet!"

Thomas grinned. "Don't thank us yet!"

Over the course of the rest of that day, you played video games and watched movies with the quintet. You were at a loss for words when they brought out presents. You almost said they didn't had to have done that, but then you saw the excitement on their faces. They wanted to do this, why not accept it (graciously)?

I, as the author do not know what you, the reader, like. So it's up to you to choose what they each have you. I hope that's acceptable.

A little after that, Patton brought out a (Favourite cake type) cake with "HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)" written on it in (F/c) icing. They all started to sing the happy birthday song, and you joined in! The cake was delicious, by the way.

You spent the rest of the day holding around with Thomas, Roman, Logan, Virgil and Patton. You did see Deceit and Remus, and even they wished you a happy birthday before returning to where they came from.

So all in all, a pretty good birthday.

A/N: wOo MuLtitAsking fOr tHe wIn

Just gonna let you guys know that Thursday (August 9th) through till Wednesday (August 14th) I may not even log on. Sorry about being so busy. After that it'll go back to normal, hopefully!

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