Q&A for 10k

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Okay, so I said I'd do a Q&A for 10k reads, and here we are! Thank you guys so much for tolerating me and my writing. This is all you. 

All the questions I made up because only one person sent me a question (It's the first one.). They requested to remain anonymous though, but you know who you are!

1. Do you do roleplays? You seem like you'd be really good at playing Patton. Sorry if I bothered you, or if this is too personal or something.

Aw, thank you! I'm glad you see me that way. The answer is yes! If you want to roleplay with me, I'm open to doing so. I'll most likely use an OC, unless otherwise requested. You can also use an OC if you want. Don't be afraid to message me, I don't bite! 

A few rules are:

Nothing that's too sexual.

I will require a description of your OC if you wish to use one.

We will make up a base scenario to go off of, it may evolve into something bigger though as we play.

If you're interested, go ahead and message me for more details!

2. What's your favourite song?

It changes a lot, but right now I really like "Shut Up and Dance" by Walk The Moon.

3. What's your favourite movie/TV show?

My favorite movie is Finding Dory. I don't have a favourite TV show.

4. What do you do in your spare time?

A lot of things, but I really enjoy sculpting animals out of clay. I use Sculpey clay, if you're wondering. It's the best!

5. Are you a clean or messy person?

Both, really. Right now my room is a diaster, but if I decided to clean it, I'd go full out and do everything, from dusting to re-orginizing my closet.

6. What's your favourite food and drink?

My favourite food is key lime pie. It's so good! For the drink I'd have to choose a smoothie of some type, like a banana strawberry or something. (I'm not the most healthy person)

7. What motivated you to start writing on Wattpad?

Well, whenever I read fanfiction, I'd never see anything I really wanted to see. Then I decided "Hey, I haven't ever seen a (Something) one shot, I should write that!" So I did. And that's how I got here!

8. Which of the oneshots you've written so far is your favourite?

Oh, this one is tough. I really like Thomas x Actor!Reader because of how fun the song makes it, but Logan x Fluff ball of anxiety! Reader is so sweet and fluffy! Both of them are my favourites.

9. Which of the Sanders Sides is your favourite?

I think anyone who looks at me can tell: It's Patton.

10. Favourite animal?

Raccoon! They're so cute.

11. What's your darkest fear?

Creepy Crawley Death Dealers. 

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