Virgil x harassed! Reader

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A/N: Before we begin, I'd like to say that this a request from @ReidisReading (how do you have people please tell me)!uh, mild swearing warning. Enjoy!

You smiled at Virgil. You two were spending the day together, enjoying each other's company. You two had been friends for a very long time, and neither of you wanted to change that.

But you were worried something woul happen to ruin this day.

Sometimes when you went outside, you'd get harassed. It happened enough that you got used to it and were able to brush it off without a third thought. You felt absolutely horrible about it, and didn't tell anyone, for the fear of them thinking you were making a big deal out of nothing, or you were just complaining for no reason, or they'd think you were horrible and dirty and stop being your friend.

So you hoped and hoped it didn't happen today.

But of course it did.

You two were walking along one of the less crowded areas of town, laughing together and smiling. You looked around, realizing with a start that this was your usual route home from work. That was not good. You needed to steer Virgil away from here before THEY got here.

Virgil noticed your unease. "Hey, you good?"

You nodded, a little too fast. "Yeah, I just realized this is on my route home from work!" You smiled.

Virgil nodded, shrugging it off as him overthinking everything. "Oh, okay. Cool!"

You tried not to freeze up when you saw the white truck that belonged to the harassers. Sure, you were used to it, but what would Virgil think of you after? You hoped the people were inside a shop or something, but no. They just had to be leaning on the outside of their truck at at exact moment.

Don't notice me don't notice me don't notice me-

"Hey, pretty girl/boy/pal! Why don'tca give us a smile, huh?"


Virgil glanced around in confusion before seeing the people leaning against their truck. And noticing that you two were the only ones out at that moment.

"Hey, sexy." A different person waited a minute for a response. "What, no answer? Come on even a dog barks sometimes!

You ducked your head, hoping Virgil would just drop the subject and never speak of it again. It usually didn't bother you, but today it made you feel absolutely filthy.

"What's under that (what you're wearing)? Why don'tcha show us?" The third person yelled out.

You didn't look up, you didn't look at Virgil, you didn't say anything. Gosh, Virgil was going to think you were so weak and pathetic after this! Why not just tell them to stop?

Virgil was infuriated, to say the least. These people thought they could talk to you like that? One more comment and that was it, he would PUNCH ALL OF THEM. He gently grabbed your wrist. "Come on, let's get out of here."

"Come on, girl/boy/pal! Ditch the fuckboy and I'll show you a REAL good time." The first person called out again, a snide grin on their face.

That was it.

Virgil snapped.

He turned towards the three people, storming over. "Do you think that's any way to talk to a person?!"

The three people cackled. "Of course! They all love it, they just put up a fuss at first. Just show em who's boss!"

The second one added, "Fuckboy!"

Virgil punched the second one first.

"Oh, so that's how you wanna do it, huh? Wanna show your FRIEND over there who they belong to? Huh?" The second person growled after recovering from the hit.

You were standing stock still  not sure how to react. Virgil was attacking them? For you? 

Virgil punched the first one and kicked the third one, but couldn't block the strike from Two (I'm going to call them One, Two and Three) and got hit himself. Growling and not backing down, Virgil punched Three as hard as he could, though Three was still up.

One kicked Virgil's shin and nearly sent him toppling. You took a step forward before Two started walking towards you. "Oh, don't go anywhere yet, sexy bitch! I don't have your number."

Terrified of what they would do to you if they got you and what they would to do Virgil, you felt adrenaline start rushing through your body, and you darted past Two to get to Virgil.

Virgil had knocked One's head on their own truck, knocking them out and leaving a dent there. Three was looking between the two and easy sure what to do. Two looked back, surprised to see you, one of their friends knocked out, and another bloody and beaten. 

"Think about this when you next talk to someone! Maybe then you'll actually manage to be a DECENT HUMAN BEING." Virgil shouted in anger at them.

Virgil came over to you. As he came closer you saw that he had a few new bruises but overall wasn't hurt that badly. He gently grabbed your wrist and lead you away from the group, letting Two and Three take care of One.

Virgil was silent for a few minutes before speaking up. "How long has this been going on?"

You were surprised. You thought for sure he'd try to ditch you after that. "I-... About a year..." There was no use lying now.

Virgil was quiet again. You told yourself he was gonna stop being friends with you now. You'd had this job for about three years, but had only started being harassed last year.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" He finally said something.

"I didn't want..I didn't want you guys to think I was making a big deal out of nothing, or I was just being whiney or looking for things to complain about or taking things the wrong way or-"

Virgil cut you off. "(Y/n), I'd never think any less or worse of you for telling me about what's going on in your life. Even if it isn't good things. Now, if they or anyone else harasses you ever again, I want you to tell me, okay? I'll go best them up for you." He grinned, trying to lighten the mood.

It worked, surprisingly. "Okay." You smiled. "..Thank you."

They didn't harass you (or anyone else) ever again.

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