Human!Remus x Reader

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TW: Hospitals, mentions of blood, graphic description of injury, surgery mention , graphic description, mention of dicks (Thanks, Remus).

Tell me if I need to add anything!

You signed as your ringtone blared out again. You'd been trying to sleep in and have a day off for once, but your phone seemed intent on ringing all morning. Giving up on sleeping any more, you grabbed your phone, freezing when you saw the caller ID. 

(The city you want to live in) (thing directly left of you) Hospital.

Answering immediately, you said, "Hel-Hello-?" Afraid, hoping it was a wrong number.

"Is this (Y/n) (L/n)?" The nurse's (doctor's?) Voice came through.

Shoot. Not a wrong number.

"Y-yes? Why? What happened?" You asked, standing up and trying to calm your nerves. 

"We would like you to come to (T/C/Y/W/T/L/I) (T/D/L/O/Y) Hospital right away. Remus has gotten into an accident."

Oh, double shoot.

Shaking a little, you replied "O-oh, okay- um, I'll be right there." And hung up. Of course Remus had you listed as his emergency contact. His brother was a few cities away, seizing his dream of becoming a more famous actor. And you were his only friend. At least Remus never spoke about any other friends.

Shoving on your coat haphazardly and throwing you wallet and phone in your pockets, you grabbed your car keys and did just a little over the speed limit to get to the hospital. Surprisingly, you found a parking space, and managed to park decently close to the doors.

It was only once you ran into the building you realized you were still in your pajamas. 

Shaking your head you went to the receptionist and said, in a shaky voice,"Uh, Hi. I-um, I got a call to come here- for Remus Kingsley?" 

The receptionist nodded. "Alright, I need to see some ID before I pass on any information." He spoke quickly.

Opening your wallet you pulled out your driver's license and slid it across the counter, fidgeting nervously. Was Remus okay?

Finally, after what felt like forever (but was probably just ten seconds) he gave you back your driver's license. "He's in surgery right now. Remus got into an accident, though we're not sure what happened yet. When he's out, you can go in to see him. For now you'll have to wait here though, so take a seat."

Nodding, you walked over while you slipped your driver's license into your wallet. You knew you shouldn't be worried at this point, Remus got into the hospital quite often. Every time though, you couldn't help but worry if this was the time he wouldn't leave alive.

"Logan Sanders? Your husband is out of surgery and ready for a quick visit now." A nurse came into the waiting room.

A man sitting across from you stood up and followed the nurse, nervous but happy.

You watched him walk down the hall, following the nurse that had come to get him. How long would it be before a nurse came for you, either to tell you Remus was fine and you could see him, or that he was dead?

As it turns out, not long. Not even twenty minutes had passed since the man- Emile?- had left that another nurse came into the room.

"(Y/n) (L/n)? Your friend is awake and ready for visitors now."

You shot up and followed the nurse, not even two steps behind her. You almost crashed into her when she stopped to open the door to the room Remus was in. "He's in stable condition, but he will have to remain here for a few days."

It seemed like the nurse was going to say something else but decided not to and opened the door. "I'll come get you when your time is up."

As soon as the door was open you were inside the room and at Remus's side. "Re? Remus? I'm so glad you're okay, I thought something happened or you were dying and-"

Remus chuckled weakly. "(Y/n/n), it's me! Not even a-a giant floating eyeball with blood leaking off and a knife through the retina could take me down!"

"Well, that's... good to know... So what happened, Re? Can you tell me?" You asked carefully.

Remus seemed to light up. "Oh, you want to hear my war story? Well get ready then! So you know that skate park? The one withh the reeeealllly tall slopes?" Remus gestured to get his point across.

"Yeah? What about it?" You responded, bringing one of the chairs from the wall to the side of the bed.

"Well, I thought it would be fun if instead of riding a skateboard down, I rode a sled down! But not any normal sled, a sled with knives attached to the front! For coolness! And I got a sled, and I chose my three favourite knives, and I stuck 'em on with ducktape. The kind you got me, with the pretty spiders and beetles on it!" Remus grinned, recalling his great tale.

"Oh my god Remus you should've known better!" You half groaned, half laughed.

He shrugged. "Live and learn! That's what I always say. Anyway, so there I was, perched at the edge of the slope, and then I slid down! And you know what happened next?" 

"...what happened ne-"

"I got really fast and then the sled hit a rock at the bottom! But I put that rock there, because I thought I could fly really high! And anyone who was watching would be amazed! But it didn't do that, you know what it did?" 

"Oh god Re what-"

"The sled flipped over! And I was fell off! And it turns out, I didn't do a good job attaching the knives, cause then they fell out too! And they fell into me, one here-" he pointed to his arm, which had a layer of white bandages on it, "-here-" he pointed to his leg which you couldn't see, "-and here!" And finally he pointed at his stomach. 

You held your face in your hands. "Oh my god Remus you should kn-"

"You should've seen it! There was blood everywhere, and the knives were sticking right up! Like di-"



You sighed, but couldn't help but smile? Of course Remus though of that while he was dying. What else would he have thought of?

Remus laughed happily, then continued with "And you know what? It looked like I had three extra dicks! All covered in blood and kinds weird shaped but still! Just like-"

And that was when you stopped listening to Remus.

At least you knew he was okay now.

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