Roman x grieving Reader

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A/N: try not to cry.

You were visiting home, laughing and smiling with your family. You were looking at old family photo albums with your parents, laughing at the stupid stuff you did when you were younger. Like throw spaghetti- and only spaghetti- at the wall. Or maybe that time when you thought that the bear your aunt got you for your eighth birthday was haunted and tried to set it on fire (Your parents gave the bear away instead). You also saw many pictures of your childhood dog, (D/n), who was still alive then. You had come down to see your family, but you were really excited about seeing (D/n).

You had done everything with (D/n). You took her/him on walks, bike rides, to the park, and you reassured her/him when it came to be vet time. Every single night, you'd see if (D/n) was sleeping on the foot of your bed. If she/he wasn't, you could count on her/him being there in the morning. You two were the closest to anyone either of you had been. When you were scared or worried, (D/n) would reassure you in that dog way. You'd whisper all your secrets to her/him, as well.

You asked you parents where (D/n) was, and they exchanged a look. They took you to your living room and sat down, inviting you to sit down as well. You did, and then the memory you relived nearly every night began.

"Is (D/n) at a friend's house, or the vet, or the groomer..?" You hoped it was going a different direction then you thought it was.

"(Y/n)... (D/n) is.... No longer with us." One of your parents spoke up.

You refused to accept it. "Like, you gave her/him away...?"

They carefully shook their heads.

At the simplest gesture you felt your entire world com crumbling down around you. Even though you refused to believe it you still couldn't stop the tears from coming. "This is a joke, right? A really cruel joke?" You smiled, but it was a desperate smile. You knew deep down it wasn't but you couldn't accept it.

"We-... We saw her/his body. (D/n) escaped two nights ago and... Got hit by a car." The other parent said in a gentle tone.

You started shaking your head. "No. No, no no no no. You're lying. You have to be. (D/n) can't be dead. She/he isn't dead!" 

You stood up and ran into your old room, looking in the corner by your desk. The dog bed you had kept there for so many years had remained undisturbed, as had the rest of your room. But instead of seeing the room you grew up in, all you could see was the room of a pet owner who failed to protect their pet.

You saw the spot you'd always cuddle together in, the spot (D/n) would always lie in, and the blanket she/he loved to sleep with. You sat down by the dog bed, and gently picked up the blanket, tears blurring your vision. 

"No." You mumbled. "It's not true."

But no matter how much you said that, it stayed the same. The small voice inside you whispered  "But it is. You can't change that. It's okay."

You cradled the blanket and climbed into your old bed, burying your face in the blanket's familiar smell. You finally allowed the tears to flow, and curled in on yourself, wanting to be alone. When someone came in your room, you shoved them out, not wanting anyone to see this side of you. 

You spent a week in there.

Once that week was up, you decided you needed to visit one of your friends. He had been your friend for as long as you could remember and you just wanted to see his face again. 

Everyone was surprised to see you leaving but grateful. You mumbled something like "Going to see a friend, be back later." Before leaving the house.

You remember all the twists and turns of your familiar home town, and you knew the fastest route to his house. Soon, you had arrived at his door. You made sure you didn't look like you had just cried for a almost a week straight before knocking on his door.

Roman opened the door after a minute, stopping mid hello when he saw you.

"Hel-oh! (Y/n), you didn't tell me you were in town! Come on in!" He grinned and stood aside, letting you walk into his familiar house.

You had spent long periods of time here with Roman, sometimes having Disney marathons, going on 'adventures' (going outside, singing Disney songs and dancing ((though let's face it that takes a lot of bravery for some people so kudos to you))) and just hanging out. You smiled at the memories, knowing that you needed something to distract you from the hole that had been ripped inside you, and Roman was the right guy for that.

"So what brings you here today?" Roman sat down on his couch and invited you to sit as well, which you gladly did.

You shrugged. "Not much of a reason, I just.. wanted to see you again."  I also wanted someone to distract me from the aching pain that I feel constantly, to take my mind off the fact that the pet I grew up with is now gone and there's nothing I can do. I should have come up sooner, then maybe (D/n) would still be alive-

Roman frowned. He could tell when something was wrong with his best friend, and there was most certainly something troubling you. 

"Hey. It's okay. Whatever happened, we don't have to talk about it. We can just sit here, and you can cry on my shoulder if you need to." Roman said gently, smiling kindly.

You froze, not sure how he knew, but glad you didn't have to bring it up. You looked over at him, not bothering to hide the tears. Slowly, you nodded.

Roman's face turned sympathetic, as he knew that whatever was going on must be absolutely horrible to make you cry at the thought of it. He opened his arms.

You let a few tears fall before getting up and moving next to Roman, leaning into the embrace and burying your head in his chest.

"It's okay, let it all out... I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." Roman gently rubbed comforting circles on your back, all while rocking back and forth just a little.

After a few hours, your sobs had quieted into small sniffles, and eventually they calmed down to gentle snores as you fell asleep in Roman's arms. He smiles softly at you, gently picking you up and walking to the guest bedroom, making a note to call your family. 

He set you down in the bed, and carefully pulled the blanket over top of you. Smiling, Roman left the room and made a quick call to your family before hearing you calling for him.


Roman rushed back into the guest bedroom, afraid something happened. "Are you alright, (Y/n)?" 

You sat up and nodded slowly. "I just... I don't wanna be alone tonight." You mumbled, looking down. 

Roman walked towards the bed, and gently lifted your chin. "You'll never be alone as long as I'm here."  He smiled softly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before laying down in the bed next to you, making sure you were comfortable and secure. 

You fell asleep soon, happy for the first time in what seemed like years.

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