Thomas x All Sides x Reader

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A/N: so, quick note. This is a request from h2robsar ! And it's a little different than what I usually write. You'll see why. Hope you enjoy! 

Warning: Remus is in this. So he will be as close to his usual self I am comfortable writing. So beware.

Thomas closed his eyes and imagined appearing in his Mindscape. Soon he felt himself rising up and opened his eyes, grinning at his Sides.

"Hey guys! How are you doing?" 




"FantAstically, of course!"

The reason Thomas has went there was because he had found an old game he and the Sides used to play together, and he kinda wanted to relive it! He was holding it behind his back, and of course everyone noticed.

"Thomas, what are you holding?" Logan noticed first.

"Ooh, yeah!! What is it?" Patton spotted it a little later, but wouldn't have noticed if it weren't for Logan.

Roman and Virgil looked at Thomas curiously.

Thomas grinned and pulled the game out. "Remember this? We used to play it all the time! If you guys wouldn't mind, I'd like to play it again!" 

Patton's eyes lit up. "Ohmygosh!! Of course, kiddo! We had so much fun!"

Logan allowed a small smile to show. "It was a good time."

Roman grinned. "I wonder if anything's changed? Is anyone a better player than they were before?"

Virgil's expression softened upon seeing the game. "Hey, I remember that... That was tons of fun."

Thomas opened his mouth to say something else  when a clear bubble appeared around him. He looked around frantically, pressuring his hands against the strangely hard sides. "Guys?? What's going on??"

Virgil's eyes widened, shocked and scared. Roman ran forward, attempting to break the hard bubble. Patton looked scared and worried. Logan looked around, trying to find the source.

Laughter rang out. Slow, evil sounding laughter.

"You foolish dummies."

And then.... The bubble disappeared.

Taking Thomas with it.

*~ While everyone panics, here's what's happening in the Darkscape ~*

"WHAT'S GOING ON? HELLO? IS ANYONE THERE?" Thomas called out, scared.

The same laughter echoed around the bubble, and Deceit appeared in front of it.

"I'm here. But I don't think you were looking for me, were you?" Deceit smirked.

"What are you doing?? Where is everyone else? Just tell me what's going on, please!" Thomas was desperate for any sort of information.

"Oh, Thomas. You should have listened to us more, you know. We don't like being ignored." Remus walked out of the darkness, an evil grin on his face.

"We're parts of you too, why can't you see that? We want to help you in our own way. But you didn't listen. Look where that got you." Deceit gestured to the bubble.

"So now you're here. And you're not leaving anytime soon." Remus's grin grew.

*~ Back to the Mindscape ~*

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