Child!Logan x child!Reader

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"Here we are, sweetheart. You'll have so much fun here! You'll get to play with kids your age and make new friends! Doesn't that sound lovely?"

You stayed quiet, holding your mother's hand tightly. You didn't want to go to daycare. You wanted to go with your mother to work! You could be helpful! You really could!

"Come on, (Y/n/n), we can't dilly-dally any longer, or mommy will be late for work! It'll be fun, I promise. Okay?" You mom said, taking a step towards the building.

"...fine..." You mumbled, following your mother as she led you into the daycare. From outside it looked scary, big and probably full of mean kids. Why if they didn't have any toys and made you clean?!

It was only with renowned hesitance and fear that you stepped inside the building, not noticing the cheery atmosphere, only worrying about wether or not they would be nice to you. What if they didn't have any toys? Or what if they just made you clean all day?!

You vaguely heard you mother and another lady talking about something, but only when you heard your name did you start listening.

"(Y/n) has been looking forward to this all week, but she's/he's/they're a little shy so don't worry if they're quiet at first."

"Oh no, it's not a problem. Many children are. Trust me, she'll/he'll/they'll have a wonderful time here. Everyone does!"

Then the lady came around from behind the desk and crouched down in front of you. "Hi, my name is Ms. Cynthia. What's yours?" 

You paused. Didn't your mom just tell Ms. Cynthia what your name was? Maybe she forgot. "....(Y/n)..." 

"That's such a pretty name! Now, (Y/n), would you like to go and meet the other kids? I think you'll have lots of fun!" Ms. Cynthia smiled.

You looked up at your mother, who smiled down at you and nodded, then nodded at Ms. Cynthia.

"Alright then! Let's go!" Ms. Cynthia held out her hand for you to take. Slowly, hesitantly, you let go of your mother's hand and grabbed two of Ms. Cynthia's fingers. It was the best your four year old hand could do.

"Bye, sweetheart! Mommy will be back later today to pick you up. Have fun!" Your mother called after you while she walked out of the door.

Ms. Cynthia smiled again and led you to a room past a desk, a bright and colourful area with kid playing and laughing. They didn't notice when the door opened, and probably wouldn't have noticed you just quietly joining, but Ms. Cynthia called for  everyone to be quiet.

"Children! We have someone new joining us today. Her/His/Their name is (Y/n). Play nicely and don't fight, alright?" Ms. Cynthia gently pushed you forward. 

You shyly waved, trying to smile at a group of kids only to be met with glares. You quickly stopped.

The bell dinged, telling Me. Cynthia there was someone at the door. "I'll be right back, be nice!" She chirped before turning and walking out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Feeling very wary with the group of kids' eyes on you, you fidgeted for a minute then walked over to a lone like of blocks on the floor and sat down by them, pretending to not notice the young childrens' glares.

After another minute or two the room went back to normal, loud and cheerful. Except the kids who glared at you before seemed intent on ruining your day and started to conspire with each other.

You built a block tower, the biggest one you'd ever built yet! It wasn't even wobbling! You were so proud of it, and stood there smiling at it for a moment. Then it all came tumbling down on top of you.

A block hit your arm hard, leaving a nasty bruise. You looked up from where you had fallen, covered in blocks, to see the three kids who glared at you. They were holding trucks, and it was clear they had rammed into your tower with them.

A young boy who had been sitting nearby, doing a puzzle, started to take notice of what was happening.

"H-hi-?" You tentatively asked.

"You can't build blocks here. Dis is where we race our cars. Get out of here!" The first boy, who seemed to be the leader, growled.

"Yeah! So.. beat it! Or we'll beat you!" The second threatened.

"B-but when I came in, you- you were- playing over dere!" You pointed, only to jump back as the third kid picked up one of the bigger blocks and chucked it at you.

"Hey! Stop it!" The boy who had taken notice, came over and stood next to you. "You guys never play over here."

The first kid stomped his foot. "Well, we wanted to today! What's wrong wif dat?!"

The boy, who you now noticed was wearing glasses, responded "Because you're being mean to her/him/them instead of asking nicely!"

The third kid stayed silent.

The second one piped up "Okay, fine, we get it Mr. Smarty-pants. Go have fun wif your little friend." Then stormed off. The other two kids followed him.

The boy turned to you. "Are you okay?" He started moving the blocks off of you.

You nodded, albeit a little shaky. "Y-yeah.. thank you for saving me."

He smiled. "No problem! Oh, my name's Logan. What's yours?"

"..(Y-Y/n)." You answered, and smiled at Logan.

Logan moved the last block off of you and offered you his hand. "Do you wanna go do a puzzle with me? I already have some of it done, but we can do another afterwards!" 

Smiling, you took his hand and stood up."I do want to!"

Logan led you to the puzzle he had been doing, a 50 piece one about a cartoon cottage in the day. "If you don't want to do this one, we can choose another-!"

You shook your head and sat down next to Logan. "I think this one is really cute." 

Logan smiled, partially relieved, and started to do the puzzle again. Whenever he found a piece, but you hadn't put one in in a while, he'd sneak it over to your side of the table and wait for you to notice it. Seeing the frustration replaced with joy on your face was better than the satisfaction Logan got from putting the piece in himself.

You and Logan did puzzles together for the rest of your lives.

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