Criminal!Roman x Partner in crime!Reader

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A/N: speech surrounded by [these] is in sign language.

You crept along in the ceiling ventilation shaft, quiet as the air gently blowing past you. Peeking out using the vent covers, you could ascertain that this wasn't where you needed to be just yet. Continuing down the shaft, you were thankful Roman had managed to get the shafts cleaned before the heist.

 Roman. Your partner in crime. 

You and Roman had done a few other museum heists before, always getting away unscathed and unfound. With such successful double lives, Roman as a famous stage performer, and you as an amazing (dream job), no one bothered to suspect you. 

Especially since you were in a different town than the heist was. At least, that's what everyone thought. 

They also thought that you two had never spoken. How you managed to pull that off was simple- accomplices. One would dress and act as you, very convincingly, and one would act as Roman, pulling it off without a hitch. As a result, you gave them some of the money earned from each heist, hoping that they would keep their mouths shut and not blab to the police. 

Tearing yourself from your thoughts, you realized you were at the place you needed to be. You had to use a screwdriver to carefully take off the vent protector before waiting for your signal. You were there a few minutes early, but better early than late. A loud bang rang out- Roman knocked something over, maybe?- that covered the sound of you kicking open the vent. 

You slid out and landed on your feet, quiet as a cat. Not seeing another figure dressed all in black -also known as Roman- you reattached the cover using new screws and put the broken screws in your pocket. 


 You jumped at the voice. Spinning around, you felt relief and annoyance at seeing Roman. 

 "[Don't talk! Someone will hear you.]" You used sign language to speak. 

He grinned, but switched to sign language. "[Fine. Miss me?]" 

"[No, why would I miss you?]" You joked with a smirk. 

Roman put a fake hurt face on. "[How could you not?]" 

 "[Oh, come on. Security cameras?]" You asked.

"[Real footage looping, nothing to suspect. It will show the real image when I press this button.]" He held up his phone with a bunch of buttons on it. He was pointing at one, taking care so as to not hit it by accident.

"[Perfect. You remember the plan?]" You quickly ran through the steps yourself. 

Roman nodded. "[Please, I practically wrote that thing myself.]" 

"[Let's go then.]" And with that, the two of you began to carefully sneak to where your prize was being held. 

You two were looking for one of the rarest things on Earth- a whole deposit of Taaffeite. It had been found not too long ago, and was the largest deposit ever found of the rare gem. 

Managing to avoid the guards, you two soon found yourself standing outside of the room with the rare gem. And you both saw the door. The steel door. The three foot thick, reinforced steel door. 

"[Shit.]" Roman signed. "[We can't drill through this thing, and we can't move it. It's a sliding door, so no hinges to take out either. They really don't want us getting in, do they?]" 

You, not willing to give up, looked around. Upon seeing an air ventilation shaft going into the room, you wondered how Roman had missed it. 

"[I know how we can get in.]" 

Looking at you, surprised, Roman signed back "[Wait, really? How?]" 

You pointed up and smiled.

"Why did I agree to come in this thing it's so CRAMPED." Roman whispered to you, knowing any signings would go unnoticed. 

"Shut up!!" You hissed back at him, crawling faster through the shaft. Upon coming to a vent in the middle of the ventilation shaft, you knew you were in the right place. Quickly shoving the panel off, you continued down the shaft, grinning when you saw another vent cover, this one facing down, not too far ahead. 

Roman followed close behind, feeling very cramped. 

Soon enough, the cover was off and you were in the room with the Taaffeite. Roman followed behind you, though his landing wasn't nearly as graceful as yours.

 "Got the fake to switch?" You knew you could talk in here, with the thick steel door and walls, and the cameras being disabled.

Roman nodded and pulled out a lump of rock that looked nearly identical to the Taaffeite, using both his arms to hold and carry it. 

"Get ready."

Carefully, you placed a hand on the large gem deposit and slid it off its pedestal, Roman quickly replacing it with the fake one, wanting to make sure no alarms would go off while you two were still there.

 Not wasting any time to see if it would work, Roman started helping you and the chunk of Taaffeite back into the shaft, while you stored the giant lump of translucent purple gem in your bag. 

Roman managed to climb back in after you somehow, and replaced the vent cover before crawling after you. 

You, knowing these shafts and knowing the way out, lead Roman to the exit and quickly climbed out yourself, now outside of the museum. Roman quickly followed. 

Running to your escape vehicle, you got in the passenger side while Roman threw himself into the driver's seat. 

"Let's go." He mumbled, starting the car and driving away. Once the two of you were a safe distance from the museum, Roman grabbed his phone from the bag with one hand and passed it to you while keeping his eyes on the road. 

"Wanna do the honors, (Y/n)?" Grinning, you unlocked the phone and pressed the right button. The cameras in the now far away museum resumed their live feed. 

Returning to the hideout, you and Roman got in contact with the person who had wanted you to steal the Taaffeite, and managed to get it to him and get the money. 

After giving some to your accomplices, the two who played you two regularly, you and Roman still had more money than ever before. 

Another successful heist.

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