Virgil x soulmate!Reader

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A/N: This is actually an idea/request from Cutestlie!

You're sitting in your favourite coffee shop. The familiar scents surround you as you wait for your order. 

You come here pretty much everyday. You have met the other regulars and became good friends with them. You know pretty much everyone that steps foot into this place.

So when a man you've never seen before begins coming every so often, it piques your interest.

"Here's your (Drink), (Y/n)! Have a good day!" A waitress walks up to your table, puts down your (Drink), and goes back o the kitchen.

"Thanks, Ayvah! You too!" You call out after her.

Man, it's hot.

You take off your jacket, carefully placing it on the back of your chair.

You had found this jacket when you were 5. Running around in the forest, you had spotted the black jacket on a branch just within your reach. After pulling it down, you saw that it had plaid purple patches all over it. The patches had been stiched on with a yellow-ish thread. You liked it immediately.

You're snapped out of your thoughts by the bell above the door ringing. You look over, expecting to see Connor, but instead seeing a slightly slouching man.

He seems so familiar, but you couldn't figure out why.

Then, as he went to the table behind you, you caught a glimpse of his face. 

He had eyeshadow messily applied underneath his eyes. His hair was messed up, and the black shirt he was wearing was damaged. 

But his jacket.

His jacket was what caught your eye.

It was the same as yours.

He sat down in the chair behind you.

A couple minutes later, you heard Ayvah walking up to him with his order. You watched her out of the corner of your eye, and saw that the man had taken off his jacket, and hung it on the back of his chair.

Your phone vibrated on the table. You checked it to see what it was vibrating about. It was a message.

Friend = F

You = Y

F: (Y/n), where are you?!

Y: I'm at Bean There, Drank That. Why?

F: YOU FORGOT?! (Y/n), what about the store opening?! Come on, you've got five minutes!

You jumped out of your chair.

Your friend was opening up a cozy bookstore today. Luckily, it was only a minute or two away from here- if you ran.

Panicked, you grabbed your jacket, shoved you phone in the pocket, and ran (Yes you paid for your drink).

About halfway there you realized you had the wrong jacket. How could you tell? Well, it smelled like mint and lemons instead of chocolate and ash. 

Too late now. I've watsed enough time. I'll just have to hope he doesn't leave before I come back.

You made it there on time.

After your friend's grand opening of SpeedRead, you apologized for having to leave early and ran back to Bean There, Drank That.

You nearly tripped when you remembered.

After you found the jacket, you took it home and asked your mom if you could keep it. She gasped, smiled, and said this:

"(Y/n), you have been blessed with a Soulmate Item. Your soulmate will have one exactly like this, and one day, you'll find them."

She checked the tag and squealed. "Look, there is a name! That's what your soulmate will be named!"

You had long since memorized the name.

You ran faster than ever before.

You kicked the door open, and ran up to the man, who was thankfully still there.

"HEY! EYESHADOW! YES, YOU! COME WITH ME PLEASE!" You grabbed his arm, and yanked him out the door. He grabbed your jacket, which had fallen on the floor, mistaking it for his.

You yanked him to the park across the street, and sat down on a bench.

"Okay, wanna tell me what this is about?" He spoke, putting on your jacket.

You watched as he put it on, looked confused, smelled it, then realized.

Both of you whispered one word:





You both grinned.

You talked for a bit, and found out how much you two had in common. You two exchanged numbers and stood up.

You were about to walk away, when Virgil kissed you.

The feelings you felt cannot be relayed properly in words. You have to feel it yourself to truly know what it's like to kiss your soulmate.

The best way I can describe it is like this:

Fireworks of emotions exploded everywhere inside you. It felt like you were flying, free and happy. It felt like you had just eaten the best food in the world.

When you two finally pulled away, Virgil grinned shyly at you.

"See you later, soulmate." He walked away, in the opposite direction you needed to go.

It was only when you got home that you realized you had never switched the jackets back.

A/N: This was so much fun to write! I hope it lived up to your expectations, Cutestlie!

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