Deceit x soulmate!Reader

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You loved books.

Wether reading or writing them, you loved books.

You also loved wearing costumes. Let's face it, costumes are fun! Plus, by wearing a scarf or some other neck accessory, you could hide the green scales coating half your neck.

You were a quiet person. You loved sneaking around. You were quite good at it, too. You were also good at blending in and hiding. People didn't notice you unless you wanted them to.

One day, you decided to go and check out the new bookstore, 'SpeedRead'. It wasn't really new, as it had been open for a week or two....

You look around in your closet, and noticed a turtleneck sweater that would look really nice, and would hide your scales.


There were a couple peeking out at the top, but if anyone noticed, you'd just say left-over makeup from a costume party or something.

You were walking towards the bookstore when you noticed there were a lot of couple who looked so cute together.

Then you remembered about the soulmate myth.

Basically, to sum it up, you'd find or be given something only one other person in the world had. At one point in both of your lives, you'd find each other, and boom. Instant love.

You didn't believe in soulmates. You thought true love had to be created, not found. Before long, you were at the bookshop's door. 

You snapped out of your thoughts and entered the bookstore, looking around in awe. There were so many books, it was so clean, and everything was organized!

You looked around, finding one book you absolutely loved. Unfortunately, it was too pricey.

You left, disappointed. You decided to go to your favourite place- a secret cave you had found a couple weeks ago.

You left and entered the forest backing the town, following the trail made by other people up until the weeping willow tree. Then you found the arrow you had etched into the bark (You couldn't see it unless you were looking for it), and walked in the direction it pointed. Before long, you were at your cave.

But something was off.

Some of the stones had been moved around. A couple plants had been crushed. There was person here.

Carefully, you snuck up the rocks. They were difficult to climb, because most of them were loose. Luckily, you had long since memorized the safe path that would allow you to silently climb up the rocks.

You carefully creeped into the cave, making sure to take up enough space so that whoever it was couldn't get out.

You saw someone, sitting further in, their back to you. You could see most of what they were wearing.

A black bowler hat, a cloak, and bright yellow gloves.

You stood threateningly behind the man, waiting for him to turn around.

When he didn't, you just reached down, took of his hat, and dropped it right in front of him after he didn't notice.

He startled, and jumped up. You gasped and stumbled back. 

Even in the darkness, you could see.

This man had green scales covering half his face. Just like the ones on your neck.

"Who're you?" He spoke up.

"You're in my cave. Who are you?" You stood up straighter. 

You fidgeted with the edge of the turtleneck sweater, resisting the temptation to pull the neck down.

"I'm Deceit... And you might be?" Deceit hissed, but only slightly. Like he wasn't trying, it just happened.

"(Y/n)," You answered. 

After an awkward moment of silence, you gave into the temptation to pull the neck down.

You rolled the neck down, revealing your scales. They were barely see able in the dim light of the cave, especially since you had your back to the light.

You gestured for Deceit to follow you, and he did. You two sat on the ledge outside. Only then did he notice your scales.

"Are those-?" He reached out to touch them, and you made no move to stop him. 

Deceit had taken his glove off, and traced his finger over your scales. The sensation made you shiver.

"Do you think that perhaps, the soulmate myth is true...?" You asked him, turning around to face him.

"Perhaps. And if it is, then I guess you'd be my soulmate," Deceit began leaning in.

You leaned in as well, and kissed each other.

It felt like a normal kiss, except the feeling of his scales on your face. That was entirely new.

"Do you think perhaps," you questioned, pulling away from the kiss, "We could keep doing this? Like forever?"

"Perhaps," Deceit grinned.

As it turns out, he was lying. It was not 'perhaps'. It was yes.

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