Logan x abused!Reader

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A/N: Our friend Literal-Mess is back! One thing, this oneshot will have an anxiety attack in it. Quick disclaimer, I am in no position to write about anxiety/panic attacks and consider it's even be remotely close to accurate. To counteract this, I have been reading about anxiety/panic attacks, symptoms of an attack, the differences, and all sorts of stuff. This will still suck, I am sorry. Please tell me how it was inaccurate, so I may get better. Thank you.

You fidgeted nervously with the edge of your sleeve. You were currently inside an elevator, being taken up to the 8th floor for an interview. This was huge for you, seeing as you had managed to get away from an extremely abusive household not too long ago.

Your parents had beat you mercilessly, verbally, physically, and emotionally. You had a few scars from those days and were fairly certain there were more you couldn't see. As a result, you had really bad anxiety (Along with PTSD) that caused you to have an panic attack whenever something reminded you of your old 'home'.

This job meant a lot to you. You were in desperate need of a steady source of income so you could pay rent (the musical) and have some food to eat every night, at least.

You took a deep breath and exited the elevator, walking down the hallway to the door labeled '19-10-16'. You knocked, were greeted with a "Come in!".

You opened the door, and quietly closed it as you stepped inside the room.

Glass windows lined one wall, letting in lots of light. Adjacent to the glass walls was a desk, with a chair. A few white chairs were in front of you, across from the desk. A man sat at the desk, wearing a black shirt with a blue tie, along with dark blue jeans and black shoes. 

"Salutations, my name is Logan Sanders. I am in charge of the job interviews for this company. Please, sit down." He gestured to the chair in front of the desk. You hurried across the room and sat down.

"I am (Y/n) (L/n). Greetings!" You took a deep breath and shoved your nerves as far away as you could, sitting down in the chair.

And so, the interview process began.

Logan asked you a couple questions, such as"May I see your resume?" And "What makes you a better candidate for this position, instead of someone else?".

Everything was going smoothly, until someone dropped a glass outside the door. Logan had walked over to the door and opened it, seeing if the person needed any assistance. Meanwhile, you had begun to remember your old 'home', because of the sound the glass breaking had made. That, in turn, had brought on a panic attack.

You felt dizzy, and the room began spinning and everything around you started turning blurry. Your throat closed up but your body was trying to breath in more air faster. You stumbled out of the chair and sat down next to the wall, sinking down as you began crying uncontrollably.

You heard footsteps coming closer to you and you panicked more, and began shuffling away, despite your body telling you to sit still.

You began shaking, especially when a hand was placed on your shoulder. Your heart started  pounding harder in your chest, tears streaming down your face, your body shaking uncontrollably.

"What you're feeling is scary, but it's not dangerous." A voice cut through your panic. You grabbed onto something, it felt wooden and square.

"Tell me what you need." The voice spoke once again. You were able to identify it as Logan, not that you really cared at the moment.

You managed to mumbled out something about a glass of water, and a minute later, something cool was pressed into your hand. You recognized it as a glass, and pressed the rim to your lips, taking a sip. The cool, clear liquid helped a little, but your attack was far from over.

"You can get through this." Logan sat down in front of you, appearing slightly less blurry.

You put the glass down carefully next to you, your heart calmer, but still pounding.

Logan held up four fingers, and said, "Breathe in for four seconds."

You managed to take in a shaky breath

"Good. Now hold that for seven seconds." Logan held up seven fingers.

You held the breath in, and your heart calmed down more.

"Perfect. You're doing great. Now breathe our for eight seconds." Logan held up eight fingers.

You breathed out, and felt yourself calm down a bit more. 

"You're doing great, (Y/n)." Logan helped you calm down more, and helped you do more breathing exercises. 

Eventually, you had finally reached the end of the panic attack, and you were very grateful for Logan's help. Usually, your attacks would last much longer, as you had to calm yourself down. Which is hard, since you thought you were going to die.

Logan stood up, and offered you his hand. You reached out, still slightly shaking, and took it. He helped you up, and helped you to the chair.

Logan sat down at his desk, and looked at you, but said nothing.

"H-how did you know... How to-to help?" Your voice was still a little shaky, but at least it was coherent.

"I have a... Friend, with whom I live. He, too, has anxiety or panic attacks. I often find myself helping him." Logan spoke, shuffling some papers around on his desk. "I think it may be best if you and I take some time to recover, and return to the interview at a later time. At what point int the future would be most beneficial for you?"

"I-" you slumped in resignation, knowing that it probably would be better. "Next Tuesday?" 

"Alright, next Tuesday at two thirty?"

"Yeah, that's okay." You sat back up.

"In the meantime," Logan took of his glasses and began cleaning them. "How would you like to spend some time together?"

"Wait- really?" You were shocked. No one had ever wanted to spend any time with you after seeing your issues, or even just a part of your issues.

"Of course. I find you to be very scintillating." Logan put his glasses back in and smiled at you. "How about tonight? I am done work at four."

"I-I'd love to!" You grinned, happy to have found a friend...

...Perhaps something more.

A/N: Okay, there you go! I hope I did well. Again, I'm sorry, because I have zero experience with panic/anxiety attacks, but I hope the research I did helped in some way. Thanks for reading!

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