Virgil x Reader Part Two

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A/N: this is a part two to h2robsar's request I did not too long ago! They requested the second part as well, so enjoy!

After Virgil had had his friends Natalie, Juan, and (Y/n) over a couple times you all started to notice Roman going to his room and not leaving when you three were there, and Virgil reported more hostility than usual in Roman towards everyone, not just Virgil. 

And then things got really worrying when Roman disappeared for a week and didn't come back.

The first day, they thought it was a quest in the Imagination.

The second day, everyone convinced themselves it was a long quest, Roman had had these before.

The third day they tried telling each other and themselves that it was an especially long quest, Roman did one a while ago, right?

The fourth day everyone started to really worry.

The fifth day they all tried to get into Roman's room, to no avail.

The sixth day they all tried again, this time with Juan, Natalie, and you. They managed to open the door, only to find Roman's room.... Roman-less.

The seventh day Virgil, Juan, Natalie and you ventured into the Imagination to look for Roman. The first place you checked was the village, which was Roman-less. None of the villagers had seen Ro for about a week.

That was kinda terrifying.

Juan got the idea to ask about where Roman might be, which Natalie congratulated him for being smart and thinking for once. You had to stop them from fighting.

Turns out Roman had a tower just like the one in Tangled that he went to to think things over or to cut himself off from the world or something like that. You all got general directions, horses to ride there (with the promise of them being returned) and good wishes on your quest.

You were beginning to see why Ro did this so often.

Soon, you, Virgil, Natalie and Juan found the tower. Virgil remembered how Tangled went and the way Eugene tore the wall down to get to the stairs and to Rapunzel (I think that's what happens I'm so sorry if I'm wrong) so that was you guys did. Surprisingly, it worked!

You made it up the stairs with no further hassle, and at the top you guys did indeed find Roman, staring out the window.

"Princey what the hell?! You've been gone for a week, we're all so worried!!!" Virgil ran forward.

"Why are you here? Surely if I'm gone for a week with no notice that says something, doesn't it?!" Roman whipped around, angry.

But you saw underneath the anger, to the jealousy and fear underneath. Carefully you walked forward.

"Roman, we do care about you... You know that right? We wouldn't want anything to happen to you." You said softly.

Roman almost cracked. "No! You guys don't care, obviously! Otherwise you would have noticed sooner."

"Noticed what?" Natalie said, worried for the creative Side.

"Noticed that I was lonely! And-and jealous! If Virgil can make friends before me, then what's wrong with me?! Obviously something, or I'd be able to make friends too!!" Roman burst out, tears starting to well up in his eyes. "Am I just that bad?! Am I just that horrible?!"

Virgil said nothing, but walked forward and gave Roman a hug. Ro stiffened at the sudden embrace but soon melted into the other Side's grip, allowing the tears to fall. Virgil rubbed Roman's gently, whispering quiet reassurances in Ro's ear. 

You, Natalie, and Juan left to give the two some space. Soon they came out of the tower, and Virgil pulled you three aside.

"Hey, guys... Would you mind if Roman joined our group...?" Virgil asked, hesitant.

You glanced back at Roman. He had a slightly hopeful look on his face, though was trying to smother it with his normally confident air.

You turned back and nodded.

Natalie and Juan had already agreed. 

Virgil grinned and went over to Roman. You three watched as his face morphed into disbelief, happiness, and gratefulness all at once.

The five of you decided to spend the day in the Imagination to celebrate Roman joining your group.

Ro didn't disappear into the Imagination again.

A/N: again, this was a request from h2robsar, hope you all enjoyed!!

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