Logan x adopted!daughter!Reader

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A/N: this was requested by FangirlOverload13. Thank you for requesting!! I hope you (and everyone else) enjoys it!

Play the song now.

I'm not your girl anymore

I'm not that tween that you drove here for

"Then MAYBE you shouldn't have adopted me!!" You ran to your room, slamming the door. Collapsing onto your bed, you fought the tears that were threatening to spill.

I'm not your girl anymore

I overtook her body with an infectious spore

You had just had the biggest fight of your life with your adoptive father, Logan Sanders. You had had a couple fight before, but this was the straw that broke the camel's back.

You left me out of your sight for one second

And look what happens, nightmare time

Getting an idea you slid off your bed.

It's worse than you could imagine

Not sex and not drugs

And started packing your bags.

Just alien invading minds

You felt like a completely different person than the girl Logan had adopted so long ago.

No more family vacays together

'Cause your only daughter's under the weather

And your da- Logan seemed to agree.

And if you actually paid attention to me

He always expected you to get perfect grades. To study hard and do well on tests.

You'd see, I'm not your seed

But you weren't smart like him! You couldn't easily remember math formulas, or when the Children's Crusade was.

I'm not your angsty teen

He had even said himself in this fight, "You're nothing like the girl I adopted!". Once he said that, you yelled something back at him and ran to your room.

No matter what you believe

The apple's fallen far from the tree

And then you came up with the best idea- you'd run away! Go back to where you can from. Logan clearly didn't want you anymore.

It's not my fault anymore

No more curfews to be late for

He was always harping on you, giving you unfair curfews, having unrealistic expectations for you.

It's not my fault anymore

No more being worried and waiting by the door

But no matter how many times you came home late, he'd always wait up, relived yet angry when you finally came home.

Did you know that I wanted to live with you?

You faltered while packing, remembering Logan and his spouse coming into your orphanage. Choosing you. You had been so happy.

And when you needed to fight, you gave her that too

You shook it off, remembering all the fights you and Logan had had these last few years, over bad test scores and unfair- in your opinion- rules.

Did you know mom let Deb sleep over?

Your- Logan's spouse had let your best friend, Deb, sleep over, even when Logan had said no.

And you're right about Deb — she's a hardcore stoner

Deb did drugs- so what? She didn't force you to.

And if you wonder what led your daughter astray

Then Logan's spouse had died.

Well, daddy wasn't here to stay

And Logan fell into grief, isolating himself. Leaving you.

Not your seed

A knock on your door startled you out of your thoughts. "(Y/n)?" Logan's voice came through.

I'm not your perfect teen

"Go AWAY!" You shouted, zipping up your (F/c) backpack. 

I'm fucking sevente-en

Logan sighed. (P/n)'s death had been hard on you both, and it seemed to have changed both of you. He decided to try to open the door.

At least I was before you left me

You were eighteen. Logan hadn't even acknowledged you turning eighteen. Didn't he care? 

Why does it hurt to love you?

The door opened, and Logan slowly walked in. He saw you standing there, clothes strewn across your floor, backpack on the floor. "(Y/n)-?"

Why am I in pain?

You fought hard to keep the tears off your face. "I SAID go away!" 

Why does it hurt to know you?

Logan instead stepped closer. "Please don't leave." His face was full of worry and fear.

You'll let me down again

"Why?! So you can abandon me again?" You angrily yelled at him, grabbing your bag by the strap and standing up.

If I turned my insides out, would you even know that I was there?

Logan felt everything break beneath him. Was that why you had been so... Rambunctious lately? To get his attention?

Why does it hurt to love you?

You angrily wiped away the few teardrops that had fallen, not realizing Logan was coming towards you.

Why does it hurt to love?

Then he hugged you, holding you tight. You dropped the bag out of shock. "(Y/n), I'm so sorry." He mumbled.

I'm not your seed 

"We have both been through a lot with (P/n) being gone and I suppose I started taking it out on you." 

Now maybe you'll listen to me 

"I'm so sorry, (Y/n), you did not- nor will you ever- deserve that. I will try better."

Or do you let me bleed?

"How do I know you're not lying?" You finally said something.

Now your daughter's not a girl no more 

"Because I'm going to try harder to listen to you and how you feel about the way I'm treating you." Logan promised.

Not at all your seed!

"Promise?" You asked, your voice quiet.

"Promise." Logan nodded, smiling softly at you- at his daughter.

'Cause I'm not your girl anymore

And you hugged Logan back, not letting go for a long while.

A/N: I'm so sorry that this took so long to get out, I hope it was worth the wait!

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