Thomas x actor!Reader

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A/N: Yes, I'm trying to be more productive and get more oneshots out right now so I can enjoy Avengers: Endgame and the binge of the MCU leading up to it. I hope you guys enjoy this, especially since it's another Literal-Mess request! And yes I added a song. Sue me.

"(Y/n) (Y/l/n)? It's your turn." One of the producers of the school play you were auditioning for called out.

You took a deep breath and stepped on to the stage. This was the biggest play your school had ever put on, and you were trying out for the co-lead.

You performed, and you thought it went well. Once you exited the stage, they called up someone named 'Thomas Sanders'. You may have stayed backstage and listen to him audition for the lead. If he got the part, (and if you got the your part) he would be your love interest. You stayed a bit longer, listening to other people try for the lead.

After a while though, you got bored, so you left and started walking home. During your walk, your mind wandered to the play.

The story was about a person (We'll call them One) who lived a pretty average life, aside from their parents fighting almost constantly. One was scared, and wanted something to distract them. They wanted to go on adventures, they wanted to travel, they wanted to just do something new. Then they found Two.

Two is an actor, and they find saftey and happiness in theater club. But the club is running out of people to act in their plays. As such, the budget keeps decreasing. At this rate, the club would soon be abolished. The school has given the club one last chance to put on a truly amazing play, and if it succeeded, the school would give back the funding and allow the club to continue.

One and Two meet when they get paired up for a school project together. They keep meeting up afterwards, soon become close friends. One tells Two about their troubles and how they want to try something different to distract themselves from their troubled household. Two, having gathered all but one actor, asks One to participate in the play. One accepts gladly, and they begin practicing almost immediately.

The play is a success, and the theater club stays. One joins, and eventually end up with Two as a couple. Happy endings all around!

As you reviewed the overview of the play, you didn't realize you were home until you walked into the front door. 


People were crowding around the billboard at school, trying to see who got what part in the play. You stood off to the side, waiting for the throng of people to disperse. After ten minutes, they finally left, leaving the board open for you to see.

Principal...Teacher one, two and three... Spare classmates... Lead... Oh! Co-lead! It's... Me.

You lifted your finger off the paper in shock.

You heard someone cheer behind you. You turned around to see Thomas Sanders smiling at the billboard.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't realize I was blocking you..." You blushed in backed away from the board.

"No, it's okay!" He said, gesturing to the board. "I could see it fine. I'm Thomas Sanders. I'll be playing the lead, Connor. (Two)."

"Nice to meet you...! I'm (Y/n) (Y/l/n). I'm playing Avery (One)."

"Oh, cool! Guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other, huh?" Thomas laughed.

"Yeah!" You laughed too. You could already tell you two had something special.



"I've seen that look before, I've worn it all too well." Thomas began signing one of the songs. Currently, you two were seated in Avery's room. Avery's parents had begun fighting and they (Avery) had told Connor about their problems.

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