The call drops and Connor looks at me.

"Well, it's pretty obvious what you need to do, isn't it?"


You emerge from the bathrooms, after stalling for the maximum amount of time without making it look like you've done a runner. You take a deep breath and weave your way through the tables.

Jackson is on his phone, texting as you sit back down.

"Engine working okay?"

Ugh, yet another weird comment from him, you're about ready to walk out right now. Who refers to a woman's body as an "engine"?!

"Actually no, I'm not feeling too good, must have picked up something. I think I'll head home."

"Oh, I can drop you off." Hell. No.

"There's no need really, I'll call an Uber, wouldn't want you to catch whatever it is." You force out a fake laugh and smile before pulling out your phone and texting Connor. 

Hurry please.

Your phone buzzes.

On my way.

"Well, I've had a great time, you should come over and see my place next time." Jackson leans back in his chair, his eyes falling on your cleavage. Again. You resist the urge to roll your eyes.

"Can I be honest?"

His eyes snap to your face, trying to read you. Luckily, you have a poker face, not so lucky for him.

"Of course."

"This date, this chit chat- not great. Next time you bring a girl out, don't refer to her body as an 'engine' and remember that she has a face too."

Jackson stares at you, mouth slightly agape like a fish.

Sliding your chair back, you slap a twenty on the table.

"Keep the change."

You spin on your heel, strutting out of the restaurant and into the parking lot.

You see Connor's car turning in and walk towards it, smiling. Finally, you can escape.

Without checking, you slide in and turn, freezing as you see who's driving.


Shawn sits in the driver's seat, brows furrowed,  jaw tense.

You gulp, suddenly wishing you were back in the restaurant with your shitty date.

Reaching for the door handle, you pull, but Shawn beats you to it, pressing the lock down. You tug but the handle won't budge.

"Seriously, Y/N?"

You turn to face him.

"Where's Connor?"

"At his house."

"Why are you in his car?"

"I borrowed it to rescue a certain damsel in distress."

"I'm not a damsel in-"

"Oh I'm sorry, would you prefer to go back to your date with Mr Creep?" Sarcasm drips off Shawn's voice and you know he's mad.

Growling, you cross your arms and face away from Shawn, not answering him.

He reverses out of the lot and you drive for about 5 minutes in silence.

After mulling over what you said earlier, you realise that sooner or later, you're going to need to have a conversation. You take a deep breath.

"We need to talk."

"I'm listening."

"No, we need to talk. Pull over."

Shawn rolls his eyes and you resist the urge to smack him as he pulls over into a space on the side of the road.

He kills the engine and turns to face you, angling his whole body to you. He looks at you expectantly.

"You're mad."

Shawn narrows his eyes at you as he answers.


"Because of what I said."


"Because what I said was true."

He clenches his jaw and sighs deeply.


"Then why-"

"Because Y/N, every time you go on another pointless date, my jealously gets a little more intense and I think about how maybe you'll kiss that guy and how it should be me kissing you and and then I start planning ways to ruin it just so I can have you back with me again."

You stare at him, shocked. You were not expecting such a confession. Gathering your thoughts together, you turn to face him again.


Your sentence is cut off by Shawn's lips crushing yours. Your blood warms and your skin tingles at his touch. His soft hand cups your cheek, pulling you closer as his lips press to your own.

Pulling away, you try and bite back your grin. You'd hoped that your earlier comment about finding someone else to satisfy you had riled him up and you're right. 

"You're an idiot." You murmur.

"I know."

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