part 40 - opening Pandora's box.

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“Where's oka?” Megami asks, worried, as she glances at the doorway for a second, snapping ayano out of a trance as shiromi looks around, seemingly back to normal.

Her left eye now purely messed up, being black with a yellow iris. She glances over, ignoring aoi who stands there, shocked. Ayano hesitates, knowing she remembers parts of the situation before hand.

“She's been taken, by Pandora. I'm not sure where, but she's not going to be killed.” Shiromi repiles, wandering straight to the door, having no emotions whatsoever. Megami jolts, by how cold her voice is, like someone stripped her of emotion.

“So what do we do? It's obvious that they want nemesis.” Ayano asks, looking at everyone, hoping for someone to answer. Aoi remains quiet, nervous, knowing shiromi isn't a idoit.

“We could always look for her? Nemesis most likely has either ran away, or is close to killing someone, which isn't a good combo.” Megami warns, glancing at the monitors for a second. Ayano nods, and walks over to them, switching them straight to a live camera feed, where the entire school is deep red.

Ayano jolts back, and megami walks over, gagging as the situation outside is like a massacre, well it is, but neither of them could truly understand how dangerous this person is.

“There's no bodies, why?” Ayano mumbles, leaning closer, as she goes through each screen. Megami remains quiet, and doesn't even focus on Shiromi who turns around, anger seething through her.

Aoi picks up on this instantly, knowing she's the cause. The others carry on going through the feeds, as shiromi runs to aoi, slamming her fist into her gut, making her stumble over.

She coughs, as her blood sprays on the floor. Shiromi leans down, and grabs her chin, her messed up eye now pulsing a dangerous yellow glare, making aoi not say a word.

Megami swaps places with ayano, who glances over and sees the situation. She pauses, wanting to help, but knowing aoi is more in the wrong than Shiromi, now knowing she was truly more sick than any of them.

Aoi glances at ayano, who grimaces, and looks away, opening the door to let a completely pissed nemesis to walk in, punching the nearby wall in the process, creating yet another large dent into it.

Nemesis mumbles to herself, pacing back and forth, trying to figure everything out. Megami knows their there, but her focus is on finding someone who is actually alive.

“You disgust me, you know that? How could I ever falter and believe you actually cared?” Shiromi spits, pushing aoi to the already broken databank. She doesn't respond, and holds her waist, as shiromi walks closer.

Nemesis glances over, and watches them, just as the door shakes violently. Everyone haults what there are doing, and in sync turn around, to find a huge shadow in its place.

“Why hello there! Missed me?” Pandora declares, making nemesis take a step back, with ayano, seeing them walk in, over the door.

“Only one pure here? Disgusting, your contaminated ways are going to spoil senpai, you know that?” They add, grabbing nemesis like a squeaky toy. She tries to move, but their hand tightens around her neck.

“Don't struggle, its only going to make this more painful.” They whisper, dragging her to their face. The others remain frozen, as nemesis kicks Pandora in the shin, making them lossen their grip.

Ayano takes it as a opportunity, and grabs their free arm, and yanks it down, making them fall onto their side, letting go of nemesis in the process.

Shiromi says nothing, and shifts into decay, instantly grabbing Pandora and throwing them across the room, almost breaking the wall. Megami rushes to ayano, who stands there, knowing this isn't good.

“She's lost it. Hating any yandere now, your in the firing line.” Megami warns, making ayano panic more, sweat rolling down her face, as she sorts her gloves out, thinking of just finding anyone alive.

Nemesis staggers back up, and looks at decay and Pandora.

“You fucking parasite!” Pandora yells tackling decay down, making him slam his back against the floor, almost breaking his wings. His grunt suggests pain, but his good hand grabbing Pandora's waistcoat says otherwise, yanking them off and throwing them out if the window.

Without hesitation, he shifts back, as shiromi; leaping out of the window, she shifts back, without even letting the others have time to think.

“We need to stop them.” Ayano declares, as aoi finally gets up, alerting nemesis. She looks over, as the pieces fall into place.

“Oh you sick asshole!” She yells, grabbing aoi by the collar, and throwing her out of the room. She hits the wall outside hard, and megami sighs, putting a hand on ayanos shoulder.

“You find oka, I'll try to stop nemesis, the others won't hurt each other that much, Pandora is stronger, but decay is the most agile out of anyone.” She repiles, letting go, as nemesis runs out, landing her fist against the wall, forming yet another dent. Aoi moved out of the way in time to find herself.

Ayano nods, and runs out, wanting to find oka. Megami walks over and clambers over the broken door, finding them instantly.

Nemesis has aoi against the ground, gripping her real arm as it has a purplish black knife, dripping with a hideous black liquid.

Megami pauses, and doesn't move, knowing instantly what it is. A decaying knife.

“Nemesis, what are you planning to achieve when you kill her?” Megami asks, making nemesis turn around, pissed. She grips aoi’s collar tighter, whilst keeping her knee on her gut.

Aoi doesn't move, knowing she deserves it anyway. Megami keeps her formality, knowing emotions aren't going to help whatsoever, she’s seen that enough to know.

“Ridding another yandere, that's what.” Nemesis replies, still not moving, whilst her voice drips with anger, still from the last conversation. Megami hesitates, knowing she's the weakest here, but has experience with just talking, even to insanely powerful people.

“And what has this yandere done? Remember, they all have their own goals, ayano wanted feelings, info wanted to feel safe, and aoi wanted to help Shiromi.” Megami starts, letting nemesis think for a moment.

“So, megami saikou, one who hates yanderes with a passion, is telling me, not to kill one? Am I dead or something? “ nemesis jokes, standing up. Aoi doesn't move, knowing it'll just make nemesis snap.

Megami nods, still hating yanderes with a passion, yet she also knows more about them. Truly hating herself right now, she crosses her arms, ignoring the fact that nemesis slowly paces towards her, knife still in hand.

“Kill me and everyone dies.” Megami warns, making her jolt. Nemesis knows she can copy her magic, if she's seen it in action, which she hasn't. Mumbling something, she makes the knife dissipate.

“I hate yanderes, yes, but aren't you forgetting that one isn't deemed a threat, one can't handle it, and the other doesn't want to see another person she cares about to die?” megami asks, making nemesis sigh, knowing it's the truth.

Nemesis glaces at aoi, who sits there, looking away and gripping her necklace harder, almost tearing her gloves.

“Fine, I won't do what's needed, besides, I have my own problems to deal with, now, where's Pandora?” Nemesis asks, smirking slightly, making megami almost laugh, knowing she's back to normal.

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