The Love of These Two People Will Be My Love for You

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I walk inside of the studio with a cup of hot coffee and milk in my hands. I walk over on Vero's direction who's currently busy with her phone with her feet resting on the table. I put down the coffee beside her before i tap her knees to inform her. Then i walk over to Normani and Lucy's direction, "Here you go." I said as i put down the coffee. "And...yours." I smiled as soon as our eyes met.

"Thank you." Lauren replied with a smile but it quickly vanished. "If Margaret finds out you've been hanging around the studio during your break, will she get upset?"

"Hmm, as far as i know i can do whatever i want."

Lauren nodded before she lent her eyes on the computer. "A free soul indeed." I go behind her and leaned in to see what she's doing. "What are you doing?"

"I'm working on a proposal for the album. Margaret texted me to make one and i want to send it over as soon as possible."

I nodded, "Very committed indeed." I smirk as i shoot a quick glance on her. "Remember to show it to me once you're done. Also, there's a mispelling." I pointed at the screen. Lauren look at me so shift my eyes on her and flash a warm smile. I can feel my heart beating erratically when i realized that our face are only inches away. "Stop distracting me. I'll proofread it later, okay?"

"Okay." I replied. My eyes never left on the green eyed girl who's currently busy composing a paragraph for the proposal. Since this is my rare opportunity to be this close to her, i scoot more closer to her until our body touches that immediately drew a smile on my face. But my once in a lifetime opportunity ruined when my phone suddenly buzzed in from my pocket. I tried to ignore it but i can feel Normani and Lucy's eyes landed on me. "Your phone is ringing." Lauren informed me.

How fucking great!

I pulled away so i can grab my phone from my pocket. It was Charli calling so i excused myself for a minute to answer the call outside.


"Can i see you today? We need to talk."

I furrowed my eyebrows at how serious Charli's voice is.

"Sure, where?"

"At the usual restaurant."

"Alright, I'll be there in 5." I press the end call before i walk back inside to say my goodbye when i notice that Lauren is no longer on her desk.

"At the backyard. She said she needs some fresh air." Vero suddenly speak behind me. I turn around and give her a smile before i make my way to the backyard. I saw her sitting on the chair and her mind is obviously flying around somewhere. I take a sit as her eyes shift on me. Lauren was just staring at me for god knows how long that makes my eyebrows furrowed. I lift up my hand and wave it on her face to bring her senses back to reality. "What are you staring at?"

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