That Little Girl Will Be Your Future Wife

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Karla's POV

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Karla's POV

"Yo, drink slowly." Cara chuckled while refilling her glass.

"I'm broken Cara!" I hissed.

"It's been weeks for godsake." Charli.

"You know what? The best thing that you can do is to move on and focus on someone who's more better than him." Selena.

I drink straight before I slam my glass against the table, "I'm not interested."

"Come on, Karla! I know someone you can hook up with." Kendall.

"Is that Lauren?" Cara chuckled. I saw how Charli glare at Cara, causing all of us to laugh.

I shook my head while drinking, "Loving the same gender will never pick my interest. Ever."

They all look at me with a raised eyebrows. These assholes don't believe the words I've just said.

"What?" I chuckled, "Do you see me making out with a girl?"

"You love to experiment, so.." Kendall.

"I don't even see myself having a girlfriend."

"Love is love and love knows no gender." Charli.

"Yeah, I know. But I really don't see myself being in that situation. Yes, I love doing some experiment and maybe I do kiss girls once but that doesn't mean I'm into them like that. I'm straight as hell and I'm just curious. That's all."

"Well, I just really hope someone will come and bend you." Cara.

"Not gonna happen." I shook my head while drinking.

"And bend means Lauren Jauregui, right?" Selena giggled but Charli hit her on the stomach.

"Ouch!" Selena.

"She's mine!" Charli.

"Enough of this girl crushes talking. What I meant is that guy over there. He keeps on checking you out every minute." Kendall pointed across our table.

Smile plastered on his face as soon as our eyes met in the crowded room. I take my time to analyze him. White guy, tall, curly hair, and hazel eyes. He's wearing a white tin polo which reveals his perfect tone of abs, white pants and white rubber shoes. And he's so so so hot.

I finished my 11th shot as smirk shoot across my face. "Now he picks my interest."

I hop out to my chair and walk towards his direction.

"I'll go get some drink." I heard him say before he hop out from his seat and meet me halfway.

"Getting some drinks, huh?"

He smiled, "Actually... I lied." And then he giggled before flashing that cute smile again.


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