What's the Real Score?

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Lauren's POV

"We need to talk!" I can sense the anger in Dinah's voice as she started to walk towards to the corner as we all remain quiet.

"What...in the world...did I just witness?" Vero.

"You...?" Lucy.

"Guys, calm down. Lauren never wreck a relationship because it's not even a relationship in the first place." Normani.

"Okay...?" Vero.

"Let me explain first, okay? Karla asked me to pretend to be her girlfriend for a month so she can get Noah back. At first I said no to her but the more I reject her, the more she hurt Dinah. What else can I do? I can't let her hurt Dinah even more."

"Hmm, I see. Now it all makes sense." Lucy.

"I support that idea of Karla." Vero smirk while looking at me, "I mean, personal issues aside, you two look cute together. Like honestly speaking."

"I feel more anger than love everytime I see her."

"If she's using you to get Noah back, does it mean you're getting Ashley too?" Lucy.

"I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders. But I hope so. I excuse myself for a bit and follow Dinah so we can talk.

At the corner of the stairs, I saw the Polynesian girl covering her face using her hands as a series of sobbed escape on her lips. My heart is breaking inside my chest at the sight of my best friend crying right in front of me.

I took a deep breath before I speak. "Hey,"

"How can you do this to me?!" Dinah snap while looking at me. Her eyes are full of pain and betrayal, "You fucking know that I love her! You know, Lauren! So fucking why?!" Dinah yelled angrily as tears continuously streaming down from her cheeks.

"Dinah, please, listen to me first. I didn't stole Karla away from you. I would fucking never! Karla...she asked me to pretend to be her girlfriend she can get Noah back. At first I said no to her because I saw how happy you were when you're with her. But the more I reject her, the more she hurts you and it's killing me, Dinah! You know how much I love you, right? You're not just my best friend, you're also my sister. I can never do things to hurt you. Please, you have to believe me. I'm doing this for your sake. I'm just protecting you."

"Protecting me?! By what, huh?! By kissing her in front of me?!" Dinah scoff angrily, "Of all people Lauren, why you?! Stop saying you did this for my sake because you did it to for your own! You betrayed me, Lauren. You fucking betrayed me!" And before I even know it, her fist landed on my jaw causing me to land straight to the floor. I can even taste my own blood.

Dinah started to walk away so I immediately get back on my feet to run after her, "Dinah!" I called out but before I can even step my foot forward, my shoulder is being held by someone.

"Laur, let her be. Let's give her some space." I turn around and it's Normani. I pulled her in for a hug but then I notice that there's someone standing behind her so I lift up my gaze and I'm surprise to see Charli.

"Hey," She greeted with a tight lipped smile on her lips.

I pulled away from Normani and smile back at her, "Hi."

"Sorry about that. I mean, the way they act a while ago."

"It's fine, really."

"I'm here to tell you a good news. They will reconsider your band today. I think you'll be up next."

"Really?!" Normani and I ask at the same time with a wide smile on our lips.

"Yeah. I, um, talk to them about it."

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