Physically Present, Mentally Absent

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Lauren's POV

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Lauren's POV

"I thought you got tied up with Karla forever." Sophia said as soon as I arrived at the usual restaurant near their house.

I chuckled while looking at her very serious expression, "Of course not."

I take a seat on the opposite side, facing her. "My best friend is so cute when she's jealous."

Sophia furrowed her eyebrows while looking at me, obviously not finding my tease funny.

"Especially when you furrowed your eyebrows like that." I point at her eyebrows.

Sophia still kept her strong expression but after a few seconds, a smile breaks down on her face while pinching my arm.

"Shut up!" Sophia chuckled, making me laugh.

"But seriously, are you really jealous?" I asked while scooping some vegies and meat from the bowl and put it on her plate.

"I'm not. Who told you I'm jealous?"

I stop what I'm doing and just to look at her. We stare at the moment until Sophia finally gives in and admit that she's really jealous.

"Fine, Lauren. I am."

"There, you said it! Thank you."

"Asshole." Sophia chuckled, "But that's because you don't hang out with us anymore and this, our tuesdate. It rarely happens since you agreed to be her girlfriend."

"I know, I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you, okay? I Promise."

A bright smile formed on Sophia's face, "Really?"

I nod my head with a tight lipped smile, "I'll take you out tomorrow night."

"Yey, thank you! I'm so excited now!" Sophia squealed. She grab my hand and intertwined it against hers.

I'm watching Sophia gush about our date night tomorrow with a smile on my face. I'm so happy that I made my best friend happy. Besides, her birthday is near so I really need to do something special for her. After all, she's my special girl.

After we had two big burgers and two boxes of pizza as our dinner, we decided to take a few minutes of walking to have some fresh air before we head home.

I slip both of my hands inside my pocket while kicking some rocks.


I shift my eyes on Sophia who's looking straight ahead.

"Can I ask?"

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