Chapter 32

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When I'm with Aden, I feel beautiful. He never once looked at me in a way that reminded me of my flaws, so I often forget I have them. But like every other girl, I am riddled with them; the worst being the scars on the back of my body. But unlike most girls, those flaws have a horrible story behind them.

I don't want to remember that period of my life, but it's evident that Aden has some deep need to know all about me

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I don't want to remember that period of my life, but it's evident that Aden has some deep need to know all about me. I could ward him off again, but at some point, something needs to give. If there's any information to share, it's this one. It's the simplest to explain.

"It was an accident.
"Oliver was really sick those days and he came to the garage where my father and I were working. We told him to leave, but, well, it doesn't matter. He accidently pushed the shelf filled with plates and they all fell on me."

I turn away from Aden's grimace.

"It was a hard time for all of us. I got lucky. It could have been a fatality or caused irreversible brain damage. Instead, I got these. And thanks to our family doctor, Dr Warren, I healed up fairly well. It really could have been worse. I could have wound up looking like I always have Frankenstein stuck to my back."

"I'm sorry that happened."

"Me too. Good thing I never liked short shorts." I shrug, self-deprecatingly.

"We'll never know now."

"I've come to accept my body as it is. I don't really care what other people think of it."

"Those scars are nothing more than a story on your body - the very same body which remains as beautiful as ever."

"I know that." I dismiss.

But of course, I never thought of my body in that way. I grew accustomed to only looking at myself in the mirror if I'm facing forward.

After a while, he moves me off himself.

"Let's go. I need to drink some tea or something before the new vocal coach shows up."

He jumps off quickly. I tremble. It's too high for me.

"Come Princess, I'll catch you; I promise."

"You better." I shout down and throw myself off before I can think too much about it.

I skid onto the rough terrain as Aden barely catches me and trips forward, so he ends up slamming my head against the speaker itself. I rub it as he asks if I'm okay, but I'm quickly distracted by the memory of yesterday's shenanigans as we both pant. My mouth dries up.


I don't have to say anything else. We're on the same page. He approaches me again and places his palm on my cheek. I'm easily crowded by him when pressed against the speaker. His hair curtains us into the intense moment. I bite my lip while staring down at his. He leans in and brushes my lips with his lightly.

Just as Aden's about to kiss me for the first time, we hear his name in the distance

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Just as Aden's about to kiss me for the first time, we hear his name in the distance.

"Aden?! Has anyone seen him?"

Aden pulls me under the dusty metal bar maze that is the stage. The further we go, the more I cough. I eventually pick a spot to sit down on. He sits next to me, nips at my shoulder and places his hand on my stomach to flatten me against the pavement.

I am lost once again as he kneads my breasts through my strapless bra. I moan as he continually touches me, and he grunts while my hands explore his body in a very disjointed fashion.

"Try calling him." We hear someone say loudly.

"Shit." Aden mutters and gets off me to rush out the other side of the stage.

I see him heading for the backstage entrance. Giggling, I crawl out after him, but don't bother to hurry. Once I get into the venue, I see Aden and the guys. I smile at them and head to the red room in search of Danatha as I hear them laughing behind me.

Danatha and I watch them rehearse an hour later. Tonya calls to tell us she's no longer coming which prompts us to worry about her state of mind - well, only briefly. I'm more focused on Aden, patiently waiting for him to have free time again. I want his kiss, now.

Just as rehearsal ends and I get up to go meet Aden, a man walks onto the stage and says something to him. Jude laughs. That's when Aden and the man begin to argue in loud voices. I look at Danatha as she glances back at me before we make our way to the stage.

"You had no right to tell them. They're going to file a lawsuit against us!"

"Against you, mate!"

"You've trapped me in another contract for the next two years, you fucking idiot!"

"That's what you get for trying to go solo. You think you can leave everyone behind? You never gave one flying fuck about your bandmates or any of us in crew. You think we're a bunch of fools dancing to the tune of whatever crap you decide to play."

"I was trying to head out so all of us could. If I can, then they can't impede them!" he points at his bandmates.

"Now they'll trap me and them, and for what?"

"Honestly? The idiotic look on your face is worth it."

I gasp as Aden punches him in the face and Jude goes for the man's stomach while security attempts to separate everyone. Insults continue to be hurled until Aden breaks free of the hold of the guards and punches the man again.
Holy fuck! Why is he so aggressive? I should stop him before he really hurts someone.

I climb on the stage as an impromptu and go towards him even though Aden's hostility is beyond clear. Before I can think of anything else, Aden's fist rushes by my face. Everything stops, except my tears.

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