Feeling Beautiful

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Requested by and dedicated to: AshleeFrederick


Today has been really nice. Shawn and have have spent thr day out together doing random little things.

Right now we're shopping.

"I need to look for some black heels for Y/bff's/n 's birthday dinner party." I say and point to the Gap store because their shoes are gorgeous.

Now, I've never been able to shop the clothing at Gap because I'm considered plus size.

I'm 5'7 and curvy. I love my body though and have worked hard to stay healthy and am more than okay with the fact that I'm not a size 2 and never will be. Now everyone is made to be petite and that's totally cool in my book.

Now I am human and every now then can get in my own head about my body image, but it doesn't happen often.

"Oh look at these!" I say pick up one pair.

"Those don't look like they're very comfortable." Shawn says with a laugh.

I look them over again and he's right.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be on my feet most of the night too." I say.

"Don't they say beauty is pain?" He asks me and I make a face.

"Yeah, but they are stupid." I say and we both laugh.

I look around for a minute before one of the employees comes over to me.

She's much much smaller than I am.

"Hi, can I uh..." she looks me up and down in a rude way. "help you with anything?" She asks me.

"No thank you. I'm just looking for now." I say and she just nods before turning around and walking away.

"She looked happy." Shawn comes behind me and says sarcastically.

"Maybe she's just having a bad day or something." I try to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"Maybe." He says and wraps his arms around my waist.
"Do you see anything you like?" He asks me.

"You mean other than you?" I say and he kisses my cheek. "No, I think I'll look somewhere else." I say.

We walk out of the shoe section when I see a cute dress hanging on one of the racks that would look great on y/bff's/n.

Shawn gets a call on his phone and steps away to take it while I look.

I look through the sizes to find her's when the same employee comes over to me again.

"Oh no, honey." She says and takes the dress from my hands slowly and hangs it back up.

"Umm.." I all I get out before she starts speaking again.

"I don't think is a good...fit for you." She says and makes a face.

"Oh well, it's not-" she interrupts me again.

"If you want to get a dress I would suggest going to a store that sells them specifically for your size." She says and draws a circle with her fingers in the air.

I cannot believe this right now. I'm so taken back that I can't seem to form any words.

"Have a nice day." She says and gives me a phony smile before walking away with a quiet laugh.

I feel like hiding in a hole right about now.

I go to the entrance of the store where Shawn is. I see as he hangs up the phone and turns to look at me with a smile.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang