Sick and Tired

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Requested by and dedicated to: shawnieboyimagine

Your POV

I look out at the waves as they crash down and pull back. Walking along the sand as the water wanders over my feet.

My foot prints being left in the wet sand and then getting washed away as the tide comes in again and again.

I stop and and look out at the scenery. This beautiful place. 

Suddenly I feel two big arms slip around my waist and Shawn rests his chin on my shoulder.

"Beautiful." He says and I nod my head in agreement.

"It really is. I never want to leave." I say.

"I was talking about you, but the scenery is pretty great too." He says and I turn and and smile before planting a kiss on his lips.

Shawn went inside to do some more work in the studio. We rented out a private beach house so Shawn could work in private.

The house has a studio and everything. 

A little while later Shawn came back out and say on the swing. I see Josiah taking some pictures of him so I wait before going over.

After Josiah leaves I walk over to Shawn. 

I grab hold of the ropes on the swing and kiss his lips. He smiles and then I see him scratch his arm.

"Shawn you've pretty much been eaten alive by the mosquitos." I say and look at his arm to see that he has three bites.

"I'm fine. I'll put something on it to help the itching." He says and shrugs it off.

"You should have put repellent on." I say and shake my head.


Three weeks later back in Toronto

"Shawn. Shawn! Wake up!" I shake his shoulders to wake him up.

"What?" He opens his eyes barley and I see how tired he is.

"Are you okay? You're shaking and sweaty. You keep groaning too." I say and he doesn't answer me for a second.

"I don't know. I feel awful." He says and then his teeth start chattering. 

"Do you have the chills too?" I ask in surprise because of how much he's sweating.

He nods his head and so I get out of bed and get some shorts on and some shoes.

"Come on. I'm taking you to the hospital." I say. I get him a shirt and shorts and help him dress.

He wraps a blanket around himself because he says he's freezing. It took a while for us to get to the car.

We make it outside and Shawn is complaining about his stomach now too.

"Wait. Y/n wait." He says before I put him in the car.

"What is it baby?" I ask him and he turns around and throws up in the parking lot. I looked away because I didn't want to see it.

I got him in the car drive him straight to the hospital.

As soon as we get inside we are shown to a bed in the Emergency Room.

"How long has he been like this?" The doctor asks me as she examines Shawn.

"He started feeling really tired yesterday and he had a really bad headache but I didn't think anything of it. Then tonight he was shaking, sweating, groaning, he threw up, and he has the chills." I say and the doctor nods.

"Have you guys traveled anywhere out of the country recently?" The doctor asks.

"Yeah. We went to Jamaica a few weeks ago." I say and nod my head.

"Okay well we are going to run some tests and we will get you some answers as soon as possible." The doctor says and then pulls the curtain around us to give us privacy.

"Shawn how are you feeling?" I ask him. 

"Like shit. Can you hand me that bucket?" He asks me so I quickly grab it and hold it so he can puke into it.

The doctors came back after a little while with Shawns results.

"So it looks like when you two went to Jamaica Shawn was bitten by some infected mosquitos. Bites like that cause what's called malaria. It's very common when in foreign countries." He says to me and I nod.

I hold Shawns hand and look at how sick he is.

"But why is he just now getting sick?" I ask.

"Malaria usually doesn't occur until some weeks after getting bitten." He says and I so I nod again. "The good thing is that this is treatable and he'll be good as new in a few weeks. Possibly even days depending on how well his body revived the antibiotics we will give him." The doctor says.

"Okay and so he just needs to take those?" I ask him.  

"Yes. He will also need to be injected with and anti-parasite. It's just a simple shot to kill the parasite the was planted by the mosquito. The nurse will show you how to do this." The doctor says.

"I know how to give the shot. I've had malaria before. I don't know why I didn't figure this out earlier." I say and and look at Shawn.

The doctor gave us all the injections to take home for Shawn along with his antibiotics.

One week later

"How are you feeling?" I ask as I lie down next to him in the bed. 

"I feel better than I did a week ago, but my stomach still hurts. My muscles do too." He says and I nod.

"Okay well I need to give you your shot." I say and he groans. He hates getting these.

I get out the shot and needle and rub some rubbing alcohol over a spot on Shawn's arm.

"Okay ready?" I ask him and he quits his eyes and looks away with a nod of his head. 

He's such a big baby.

I give him the shot which was quick and then take the needle out and dispose of it properly.

 Walk back into the room and Shawn is smiling at me.

"What?" I ask as I get into the bed.

"Nothing. I just really love you." He says and I smile.

"Because I give you shots?" I joke and he rolls his eyes.

"No." He laughs and then grabs my hand. "I appreciate you for taking care of me." He says and then I notice that he's started shivering again.

"Come here." I say and hold him close so he doesn't feel cold.

"Thank you." He says and I kiss his forehead.

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