Hero Pt.1

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This imagine was requested by Mymendes05

❗️This story contains violence and abuse. If you are triggered by that in any way please take this into consideration before reading. ❗️


Imagine that you are an only child. Your mom left when you were young, your dad is an abusive drunk and no one knows. You're about to turn eighteen soon.

You and Shawn have been dating for five months now. He knows that your dad is a drunk, but he doesn't know that he is abusive.

You have to hide that you are with Shawn from your dad because you know that he doesn't like you having a boyfriend. Shawn knows this.


Texts between you and Shawn 

Shawn: Is he home? 

Y/n: No he's still not home. 

Shawn: Do you want me to come and get you? I don't want you to be around when he's drunk.

Y/n: It's fine. I've handle it before, but thank you. 

Shawn: Okay but if you need me to come you say the word and I'll come. 

Y/n: I know you will ❤️

Shawn: You can come over to my place tomorrow and we'll have a date night

Y/n: That sounds good

Shawn: Okay cool. I'll even pick up your favorite. Muffins.

Y/n: that's your favorite, but okay 😂

Shawn: Okay I'll get lots of peanut butter cups too 😉

Y/n: Okay good 

I hear the door downstairs slam. Crap, my dad is home. 

"Y/n!" I hear my dad yell very loudly. I go downstairs and see him stumbling around. 

"Yes sir?" I say and he goes into the kitchen. "What took you so long to get down here huh?" He asks me. 

"I'm sorry, I was cleaning my room." I lie so that he doesn't get mad. He nods and goes to where he keeps his alcohol.

He's already drunk because he was at the bar. I can smell it on him. He grabs his empty bottle of scotch and turns and looks at me.

"Why the hell is this empty?" He asks. "I don't know." I say. "Are you sure. Because I think you snuck in here and drank it!" He yells.

"Dad I didn't, you drank it last night." I say. "Are you calling me a lier?!" He says and throws the bottle to the ground and it smashes to a million pieces.

I flinch a little when it shatters. "No that's not what I'm saying." I say. "Well then what the hell did you mean huh? It sounded a lot like you calling me a lier!" He yells.

"I uh-" "I know for a fact I didn't raise a lying thief!" He yells and grabs one of the cups from his alcohol cabinet and throws it at me. I turn and it hits my right side really hard then falls to the ground and breaks.

I wince in pain and then he comes and grabs me by my hair. "You just need to go to your room." He says and practically drags me to my room.

He shoves me Into my room hard and I hit my left hip on the corner of my dresser and then I fall to the ground.

"I don't deserve to be lied to!" He says and kicks my left thigh. I wince again and roll over in pain.

He leaves my room and slams the door shut. I lie here on the floor in pain and tears are pouring from my face.

After a while I managed to get myself into bed. In the morning my dad will come in here like he always does. He will be sober so he won't be angry.

He knows that he hits me when he's drunk, but he never says anything about it anymore. He used to come in and apologize, but now he just comes in to make sure I'm alive.

Then he leaves for work and comes home late and dunk again and we repeat the whole process."

My Phone buzzes and its Shawn.

Shawn: Is he home yet?

Y/n: Yeah he's home 

Shawn: Is everything okay?

Y/n: Yeah everything is good. He came home, drank some water, and went to bed. Same as always.

I sigh when I send that text because I hate lying to Shawn. I know that if I told him he'd come and try to fix things, but he can't fix things.

Shawn: Okay good. I love you

Y/n: I love you too


Do you think Shawn will find out? 

Comment what you think below. Don't forget to vote either! Requests are still open so feel free to dm anything you want me to write about.

A quick update on what's going on with that guy I told you guys about. He came into class this morning with a shirt that said "Winter Formal? Circle yes or no" and he handed me a marker so I circled yes!

It was the cutest thing ever and I swear I was so excited I could have peed myself😂 Hes going to give me the shirt to keep later lol

So it looks like I've got a date to the winter formal!

Thanks for reading! Love you guys!


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