Make It Up To You

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After a billion years of not I am 😂

I hope you enjoy this imagine ♡


I park my car and cut the engine. I pull down the car mirror and make sure I look fine.

I'm about to go into a big birthday party for my friend Klarissa. I look around and see way more people than I thought.

I'll stay for a little bit and probably leave in an hour or two. I'm just not in a good mood right now.

I get out of my car and tuck a piece of ny hair behind my ear as I go to the front door.

I saw people just walking in, so that's what I do. Immediately I feel the beat of the music in my chest and see a swarm of people all throughout the huge house.

"Y/n!" I hear my name being called.
"Y/n!" I hear it again and I look around to see who it is.

Then a drunk Klarissa comes stumbling over to me.

"Hey! You made it!" Sbe says and wraps me in a really tight hug.
A little too tight.

"Okay, Klarissa. A little too tight there." I say and pretty much pry her arms off of me.

She lets her arms drop to her sides and laughs.

"You're so funny." She says and hits my arm.

"And you're so drunk!" I say and laugh a little. "Happy birthday." I say and she smiles with her head tilted.

"Thank you. That means a lot." She says and runs her hand across my face as she walks away.

I laugh a little and shake my head before walking towards the kitchen.

I pour myself a little drink and stand in the corner and chat every now and then with some people.

I stand here for a good while before seeing Shawn walk in.

We make eye contact and I start walking out. Before I can leave I feel an arm wrap around my waist and turn me around.

"Back off!" I say and shove him back.

He steps back and holds his hands up in surrender.

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to stop you from leaving." He says and I sigh with frustration.

I went on a date with Shawn a week ago and he never called or texted me like he said he would.

"You never called." I say.

I had a really good time on our date. He made me feel really good. I thought he had enjoyed it too.

His face falls a little.

"I know." He says. "I got really busy." he says.

I roll my eyes.

"If you're going to make excuses, then make good ones." I say and turn around.

He grams me by my waist and turns me around effortlessly, yet again.

"Stop doing that!" I say upset.

"Then stop walking away!" He says in a pleasing tone
"I really did get busy. I wanted to call or text, but I literally never got the time. It's been crazy for me this past week." He says.

I look at him for a moment before answering.

"And yet you're at this party." I say and quickly walk away.

I go upstairs to get away from the huge crowd. There's surprisingly no one up here.

I stand in the middle of the long hallway and roll my head side to side trying to ease the tension I'm starting to feel in my shoulders.

That's when I feel two hands on me.
One slips around my waist and the other runs across my butt from behind.

I jerk my body and turn around to see Adam. A guy I dated for a little while maybe a year ago. He's hangs out with some of Klarissa's friends so that's why he's here. Why he's touching me? I don't know.

"Don't touch me!" I say back up. "What the hell are you thinking?" I say.

I feel my blood boiling.

"I'm thinking that we're the only ones up here and you look really fine." He says and steps closer to me while quickly grabbing both of my hands.

He very roughly yanks me towards him and hit against his chest with a light thud.

"Let me go!" I say and try to push away, but he's much stronger than I am.

"Come on." He says and kisses my cheek.

"Hey!" Adam gets pulled off of me by Shawn. "She said no, man." He says in a stern voice as he maneuvers around Adam so that he's blocking me from him.

"I don't think this is any of your business." Adam says.

"I just made it my business. So I suggest you leave before I knock you on your ass." He says.

Adam looks at Shawn and then at me. I give him a disgusted look.

"Not even worth it." He says and turns around and walks off.

Shawn turns towards me.

"Why did you come up here by yourself? You're smarter than that!" He gets on to me.

"Why are you questioning me?" I ask feeling a little agitated.

"I'm not questioning. I'm just...concerned." He says and I sigh.

"Well I'm fine now." I say and then pause before speaking again.
"Thanks." I say and walk towards the stairs.

"Wait. Y/n." I turn around and he walks up.
"I want making excuses. I really was busy. I also was...nervous." he says and I raise an eyebrow.

"Nervous?" I ask not fully understanding.

"Yes. Every time I went to pick up the phone I second guessed what I was going to say and then freaked myself out." When he says this I feel a little bad.
"You make me nervous." He says.

"I...didn't know that." I say. I've known Shawn for a while. We weren't always super close as friends, but we've had a thing for each other for some time now and I want to continue to get to know him.

"Well it's true." He says taking my hand in his. "I really..." ge takes a deep breath. "really like you."

"I like you too." I say.

"Let me make it up to you with another date where I actually call you after." He says an I laugh.

"That sounds nice." I say. "Maybe you can call and just start with hey." I say and he smiles.

"That's a good idea." He says and wraps his arm around my waist and plants a kiss on me.

This definitely makes up for everything.

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