Here To Help Pt.2

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I woke up early this morning for reasons I don't even know. I just woke up and couldn't go back to sleep.

At around seven I went to wake Shawn up so he could walk around the house. The binder says he needs to walk more and more everyday.

"Shawn." I say and sit down next to him in the bed. "Shawn." I say and grab his shoulder.  "Hm?" He says but doesn't open his eyes. "You need to get up and walk." I say and he groans.

"Oh come on." I say and shake his arm. He rolls over and looks at me with a sleepy face and I couldn't help but smile.

 "Let's make a deal." He says and I raise an eyebrow. "What kind of deal?" I ask. "If I get up and walk around the house you have to go out with me." He says.

"How about you get up and walk and I won't make you starve for the next three weeks?" I say and smile innocently.

"Wow. Fine I'll get up, but you'll come around eventually." He says and I smile and shake my head.

He takes the covers off of him and I see he's not wearing a shirt. "Uh um..." I start stumbling over my words like an idiot and Shawn smirks at me. "Stop smirking." I say.

"Wow is that where they cut into you?" I ask and point to the stitching on his lower stomach. "Yeah, that's gonna make one sexy scar eh?" He says and I laugh.

"Mhm. One sexy scar." I joke and we both laugh.

I help him out of bed and downstairs so he can walk around. I fixed his bed for him and then made breakfast. I made some oatmeal and gave him some apple sauce with it.

"Um when can I eat real food?" He asks me and I laugh. "Soon." I say and sit down to eat with him.


It's been two and a half weeks already that I've been here. Shawn is doing much better and he can walk and eat and do everything pretty much normal now.

"Okay here you go." I say and set a bowl of mac and cheese down. He's been asking for this for a while. "Yes!" He says and starts to eat it. "Wait it's-" "Hot!" He shouts and I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

He spit into his napkin. I went and grabbed the small container of sugar. "Here put sugar on your tounge and it will help the burn." I say.

He did what I said and a few minutes  later he was fine and eating his now cooled Mac and cheese. "That was funny." I say and sit across from him. 

"I'm sure you though it was." He says and laughs. "I did! Your face was priceless. It was kind of cute." I say without thinking. "Cute eh?" He says and I roll my eyes.

"Don't start." I say and laugh. "Look." He says and shows me a picture of Aaliah and his grandma. "Aww that sweet." I say and smile.

"Man I wish I could have gone." He says and I can tell he's really bummed. "I'm sorry." I say. "It's cool. Had this not happened you wouldn't be here making me Mac and cheese." He says and I smile.

"That's very true." I say. We finish our food and I go wash the bowls. As I was washing them Shawn comes and puts his head on my shoulder.

I finished washing the bowl and I look at him and he smiles. "Do you need something?" I ask. "Yeah." "Okay what?" "You." He says and kisses my cheek and then runs away.

I started to turn all shades of red and didn't know what to do. I walk into the living room and look for Shawn.

"Where did you go?" I ask and look around. I walk over and then all of a sudden I get tackled to the couch. "Boo!" Shawn yells and now he's hovering over me.

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