Going the Distance

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Requested by and dedicated to: AshleeFrederick



I feel more and more nervous by the minute. I look out of the airplane window and impatiently tap my foot.

I'm so ready for this thing to land.

Shawn must see how antsy I am because he takes me hand in his.

"We'll be there soon." He says. "Why don't you get some sleep?" He says.

I can tell he's tired and if I don't sleep then he won't.

"Okay." I say and sigh.

He pulls on his eye mask to block out the light on the plane. I lay my head back, but I know that there is no way j could possibly sleep knowing what's waiting for us.

Knowing who is waiting for us.

Shawn and I have always wanted a family.

Unfortunately, I can't have kids. We found this out after months and months of trying with no success.

Finally I went to get checked out and came to find out that my body just wasn't meant for that.

I was devastated for a while, but then a friend of mine suggested adoption.

Then I got to thinking, maybe this is what we're supposed to do. I know I can't physically have a child of my own, but I can give a life and a home to someone who really needs it.

Shawn and I started the process immediately. Which was not easy at all.

We had interview after interview, filled out so many papers, and have had multiple home visits.

We were so close to adopting a baby girl right in Canada, but a relative of her's decided they wanted her last minuet.

That one hurt, but it wasn't the end.

We kept looking and kept filing applications.

Finally, we got the call. That's why we are on our way to Africa right now.

His name is Joseph. We've only seen him in pictures, but he's just about the most beautiful baby boy I've ever seen.

Now, we still have one last interview to do once we arrive.

If everything goes well, then we get to meet out baby boy and take him home.

It felt like forever before we finally arrive.

Once we got off the plane, we had to go to the place we are staying to unload all of our things.

We brought all of the baby stuff we're going to need when we bring Joseph back.

Then, it was a long car ride to the adaption place.

My stomach does all kind of twists and turns as we now sit in the office of the adoption center waiting for the lady to come do our final interview.

She came in and started asking us all kinds of questions. I was extreamly nervous, but thankfully Shawn kept holding my hand the entire time.

We went over all of the papaers we have filled out and filled out some more of them.

Finally the lady sits in silence reading over the last bit of documents.

"Okay." She says and nods.

"So, what's next?" I ask.

"Now..." She says and grabs a pen. "you just sign here and I'll go bring Joseph in." She smiles and hands us the one and paper.

I feel like I might burst.

I do my best to sign neatly, but my hands are just so shaky.

Shawn signs after me and the lady stands up. So do we.

"I'll be back with your son I'm just a minute. Congratulations." She says.

"Thank you so much!" Shawn says to her and she smiles before walking out.

"Oh my gosh!" I say and wrap my arms around Shawn's neck. He schools me up and spins around with me in his arms.

"We're parents." He says after he sets me back on the ground.

"I can't believe this is actually happening." I say and he grabs my face and plants such a passionate kiss on my lips.

A couple of minutes pass. They felt like the longest ever.

Finally the door opens and in comes the lady with our son in her arms.

He's only six months old and he so much more beautiful than the pictures could capture.

"Hi" I say in a soft and gentle voice. I give him a smile and he must looks at Shawn and I for a minute.

I'm almost afraid to ask to hold him. What if he doesn't want to come?

"Hi, baby." Shawn says and expands his hand out and caresses Joeseph's cheek with his thumb.

Joseph let's put a happy coo. I feel my eyes watering up and I can't help but laugh.

"Can I hold you?" I ask him in a soft, happy tone. He looks at me for a moment as if he's thinking about it.

I grab him and he doesn't fight it. He let's up scoop him up and I take him into my arms.

This feels right.

"You're perfect." I say and tickle his tummy a little. Be let's out a little laugh.

"He's a very happy baby." The lady tells us.

"You're so happy." Shawn says and runs his arm.

Shawn tickles him too and Joesph laughs again. He then grabs hold of Shawn's finger with his hand and my heart just melts.

We played with him some more before finally leaving.

Later that evening, we were getting him ready for bed.

I dressed him in the clothes we brought for him, Shawn fed him, and I changed his diaper.

Now, I'm sitting on the couch with him in my arms waiting for him to fall asleep.

He's wide awake though. I can tell he's exhausted, but is really fighting sleep.

"Here." Shawn says and sits next to me with his guitar. "Let's try this." He says and I smile.

Shawn starts to play and then sing very soflty. It's so relaxing that I could fall asleep.

I watch as Joesphs eyes slowly begin to close.

"I love you." Shawn whispers and kisses him on his little forehead.
"And I love you." He says and kisses me.

"I love you too." I say.

I will forever be greatful for our family.

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