Just Sleep

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Requested by and dedicated to: shawnieboyimagine

Imagine: You and Shawn have been dating for two years now. Tour is over and you've been with him for the last of the tour.

You and Shawn are staying with his parents while his apartment gets remodeled. 

He's been having trouble sleeping due to sleep paralysis and has been stressing about it.


Your POV

"Thank you again for letting us stay here." I say as I set one of my bags down on the bed.

"You know you guys are welcome here anytime. I love having you." Karen says and leans against the door frame of Shawns old room.

"I love being here." Shawn says and kisses his moms cheek and she smiles.

"Why because I cook for you?" She asks him and we all laugh a bit.

"Of course! Y/n can't cook for her life." When he says this I throw Leo at his chest because that was the first thing I could grab.

"Shut up! I'm learning." I say in defense and Shawn laughs as he catches Leo.

"Yes you are." He says and comes to kiss my cheek.

"Well I'll leave you two to get settled in. It's getting late and I want to go shopping tomorrow so eveyone is going to be up early." She says and both Shawn and I nod in response.

Karen leaves the room closing the door behind her.

"It's kind of funny being back here in your old room." I say.

The last time I stayed the night here me and Shawn had just started dating and I had to stay the night because a snow storm kept me from driving home.

"Do you remember what happened last time you were in this room with me?" Shawn asks smirking as he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me in for a kiss.

"Mmhm." I hum in response and I smile after the soft, sweet kiss he placed on my lips.

He began to kiss me more, but then I yawn. He pulled away and softly chuckled.

"Are you tired?" He asks me and I rub my face.

"A little." I say and he tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear and smiles.

"You should get some sleep." He says and I look at him and see dark circles under his eyes.

"You should too." I say and his face drops a bit. He lets go of me and runs his hand through his hair.

"No I'm not really tired. I might stay up and watch something on my laptop." When he says I give him a look.

"Shawn I know your afraid to try and sleep. It's okay." I say and grab his hand in mine.

"No it's not. I don't know why all of a sudden this started happening. It's like in the middle of the night my brain wakes up, but not my body. I feel like I can't move or talk." I could hear the frustration in his voice and I sigh.

I hate seeing him this way. He's exhausted and I can see it.

"Maybe it was all the stress of the tour and doing shows and not sleeping till really late. Maybe this big sleep schedule change threw off your brain or something."

"Well how do I fix it?" He asks me and sits on the bed.

"Okay sit on the floor with me." I say as I sit  criss cross on the floor.

"Why?" He asks as he sits down in front of me.

"Just do as I say okay?" I ask and he nods.

"Now close your eyes and breath in heavily through your nose and then slowly out through your mouth." I say and we both do so at the same time.

We kept breathing like this for a little bit before I had Shawn start rolling his head in circles.

"Roll it one way a few times then change sides." I say and so he does this and I do it with him.

I recently took up yoga while on tour with Shawn because it helps me stretch and relax my body when I'm stressed or tired and because we were on a plane or a bus for long hours.

I had Shawn do some stretches because stretching before bed helps your body and mind relax and it'll help you sleep better.

Once Shawn was completely relaxed I turned out the lights and we got into bed.

"Don't stress about sleep okay. I'm right here." I say and he nods. 

"I actually feel really good." He says and turns in his side to face me.

"Good." I say and press my lips to his. 

He wraps his warm arm around me to pull me in close. He rests his face in the crook of my neck and his warm breath on my skin gives me goosebumps.

I smile and close my eyes hoping to God that Shawn sleeps well tonight. He needs it.


The blinding sunlight shines through the window and I cover my eyes with my arm. 

I roll over and feel that Shawn is still next to me.

He never woke me up last night so maybe he slept well.

I slowly open my eyes, letting them adjust to the light. 

When I open my eyes fully I see Shawn peacefully sleeping. I smile when I see him. 

I look at the time and it's six in the morning. Karen hadn't come to wake us yet so I might as well go back to sleep.

I turn back over so that my back is facing Shawn and I close my eyes. A minuet later I feel Shawn scoot closer to me so that he's spooning me now.

His warm body against my is comforting. 

"Thank you. I love you." He says in a softly and sleepy tone.

"You're welcome. I love you too." I reply before we both went back to sleep.

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