Getting Involved

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This imagine is dedicated to: emilykatemendes

Requests are always open!


I sit impatiently and wait on the park bench where he said he would meet me.

I check my phone for the fourth time now and see that he's almost a  hour late.

Finally I hear footsteps behind the bench and Andrew comes around the corner looking upset, but in an odd way.

"What wrong?" I ask him and he sits down next to me.

"Listen I know you said you wanted to come here to fix things." He begins and I nod my head.

"Yeah and you agreed that you wanted that too." I say.

"I know, but the more I think about it the more I don't feel right about this." I sit on the edge of the bench and try to understand what's happening.

"Where is all of this coming from?" I ask and I feel a slight tightness in my chest.

"It's just how I feel. This needs to end and you need to go okay?"

Andrew and I have had falling outs like this before, but we always make up.

"What? This isn't what we talked about on the phone so this is coming from somewhere other tha  your feelings." I say and now I'm really upset.

"Nothing you say is going to change my mind, Emily. What Shawn said-"

"Shawn? What does Shawn have to do with any of this?" I ask. None of this is making sense.

Andrew never talks about Shawn because they don't like each other.

"Crap. Forget what I said."

"No! What did Shawn say?" I ask with my voice raised now.

Andrew sighs and looks up at me.

"He showed up at my place last night and told me that I wasn't good for you. Said that I was pretty much destroying you from the inside out and that if I knew what was good for me and if I cared about you at all, that I'd end things." He says.

I feel my face heat up and I clench my jaw.

"And you're going to believe him?!" I ask.

"Yes because he's right!" He says and now he's raising his voice with me.

"Fine. Then that's it I guess." I say and turn around and start towards my car.

Andrew calls after me, but ignore him because all I'm thinking about right is what I'm going to do to Shawn.

I'm surprised I made it to Shawn's place because my mind was clouded with anger on the way here I wasn't even paying much attention to the road.

I park my car and get out of my car, slamming the door behind me.

When I make it to his apartment door, I start beating it with my fist.

"Why are you being so agressive?" He asks as he opens the door and as soon as I can I shove him with all of my strength.

He stumbles back, but doesn't fall because he's still very much stronger than I am.

"What are you doing?" He asks me.

"Who do you think you are?" I shout.


"Who told you that you could get involved in my relationship? Huh?!" I ask.

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