Facial Hair

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I wake up to a big warm arm wrapping around my waist. Shawn pulls me in closer to his chest and I smile and look at his cute sleepy face.

"Good morning." He says and kisses my lips. "You've got facial hair." I say and laugh a little because it felt scratchy on my face.

"Yeah I know. How does it look?" He asks me. "It makes you look sexy." I say and he kisses my lips agains. "Shave it." I say and pat his chest before getting out of bed.

"What do you mean shave it?" He says and follows me to the bathroom. "I mean get a razor and some shaving cream...and shave it." I say and smile.

I get my tooth brush and wet it before putting toothpaste on it. "Well what if I don't want to shave it." He says.

"Well then I guess you won't be getting any kisses from these lips." I say and then begin to brush my teeth. "That's not fair." He says and begins to brush his teeth as well.

"You can keep it for the day if you'd like. I just won't kiss you." I say and after spitting into the sink.

"I'll have to think about it." He says and I give him a look. "Okay you do that." I say because I already know what he's going to do.

I got ready for the day because we are going to have lunch with Shawns family. We get in the car and drive over to Shawns parents house.

We come to a red light and Shawn gets out his phone and takes a boomerang for Instagram.

He typed up a caption , but I didn't see what it said. The light turned green and we continued to his parents house.

I look on my Instagram and see what Shawn had put. He took a boomerang and put 'never shaving again'. We pull into the driveway of the house and Shawn parks the car.

"Looks like you made up your mind." I say and show him my phone. "Oh no I uh-" he sighs and smiles while shaking his head.

He goes and takes another boomerang. I go and look and see he delete the last one and replaced it with a different one.

"You're cute." I say and he leans in to kiss me but I push his face away. "Nope." I say and he smiles and I get out of the car.

We go in to have lunch with his parents and we were all talking about random things.

"I see you've grown out the facial hair again." Manny says. "I sure did." Shawn says and Karen laughs a little.

"Mom do you like dads facial hair?" Shawn asks and I look at him. "Of course, it makes him look good." She says and smiles at Manny.

"And you don't mind kissing him?" Shawn asks and I see that he's trying to prove a point. "I did at first, but then I got used to it." She says and Shawn makes a face at me.

"Don't you like his face smooth and soft though?" I ask. "Oh yes, I like when he shaves and I can feel his soft skin." She says and I make a face at Shawn.

We finished lunch with his family and then we all went shopping. Later me and Shawn went back to the apartment.

We sat watching tv for a while and then my stomach started rumbling really loud. "I think the beast is awake." Shawn says and I laugh and hit his chest.

"Shut up." I say and he laughs. "You want some Chinese?" He asks me. "Yeah that sounds good." I say

"Cool I'll be back in a bit." He says getting up and grabbing his keys. He leaves and then comes back a little later.

I hear him on the other side of the door so I go and open it. I grab one of the bags from his hands once the door is open. "Food!" I say and take it to the kitchen.

"I wasn't even through the door yet you animal." He says and laughs. "I'm a hungry girl." I say and bite into an egg roll.

We ate our food and while I was cleaning up Shawn disappeared. "Shawn?" I walk down that hall and then I see the light on in the bathroom. 

I walk in and see him shaving his face. "So you decided to shave?" I say. "Yeah, but not because you told me to." He says and I smile.

"Okay." I say and he rinses his face revealing his smooth skin. I look at him and smirk and then he smiles and shakes his head.

"Come here." He says and pulls me in and kisses me very passionately. The kiss didn't last very long and we both pulled away. I touch his face and smile.

"I think I like the facial hair better." I say. "Are you serious?" He says and I laugh. "I'm kidding!" I say and he laughs too.

"But if you want to grow it out again I don't mind. I'll get used to it." I say and he smiles and we kiss again.

How on earth did I get so freakin lucky?


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