Handle the Heat

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Requested by and dedicated to: kayla_cruz2019



"Oh wow!" I say. "That's was a really good idea." I say as Shawn and I watch the British Baking Show on Netflix.

"I would have never thought to do that." He says.

We're sitting on the couch cuddled up with each other.

His arm wrapped around my and my head on his chest.

"I would never be able to do what they do." I say, but I guess Shawn understood it a little differently then I meant it.

"You can't bake?" He asks me. "I'm really good at baking." He says in an almost bragging tone.

I think it's just a little funny that he automatically assumed that I meant I couldn't bake, but what I meant was that I could never do the awesome stuff they do under pressure.

I decide to keep this going though.

"You some brownies actually sound pretty good." I say and he nods.

"Yeah, they do. Come on. You can be my assistant." I laugh a little as he pulls me off the couch and we go to the kitchen.

Immediately, Shawn starts pulling out ingredients from the cabinets.

"So what's the game plan, Chef?" I ask.

"Do they call bakers Chef's?" He asks me.

"I don't know." I say and we laugh.

He starts mixing all sorts of stuff together, not measuring anything at all.

He's mixing the batter and it looks chunky and starts to get thick and hard.

"Ugh! Why is it doing this?" He asks.

Now is when I decided to step in.

"Okay, babe." I say and take the bowl from his hands. "Let's start over." I say and set his bowl to the side and get a clean one.

"What are you gonna do?" He asks me.

"You'll see. Hand me the measuring cups, please." I say and he does just that.

I start measuring out ingredients, mixing, and finally have a good brownie batter made.

Shawn watched me the entire time not really saying much.

"I thought you said you couldn't bake." He tells me as I pour the batter into the brownie pan.

"No, I never said that. You assumed that." I say and laugh a little.

He still just looks at me.

"You're not upset that I took over are you?" I ask and I put the pan in the oven and close it.

"No." He says and I feel his arms slip around my waist from behind. "Actually, I think it was kind of sexy." He says with his lips pressed against my ear.

I feel a tingle down my spine and I take a deep breath.

"Oh really?" I ask.

"Mhm." He hums as he places his lips on my neck and because to passionately kiss my sweet spot.

I let out a soft moan.

I turn to face him and he turns us around and lifts me up onto the counter.

I bring my lips to his for a good minute or two the kiss just keep intensifying.

He grips my thigh tightly and then runs his hand up and plays with the hem of my shorts.

I wrap my of my legs around him and start to kiss on his neck this time.

"Y/n." He breathes out my name.

"What?" I ask and gaze into his eyes for a moment with a smile.

"I love you." He says and crashes his lips back against mine.

He pulls of his shirt and I run my hand up his chest and over his shoulders.

I'm wearing a button up pajama shirt so he starts slowly unbuttoning it.

I tug at his hair a little causing a moan to slip through his lips into our kiss.

He takes my shirt off and works his lips down to my chest and I tilt my head back and gasp at the feeling.

I bring my hands to the waistband of his sweat pants right when the timer goes off on the oven startling is both.

"Shit, that scared me." I say and we both laugh.

Shaw turns and grabs the oven mit and takes the brownies out.

They smell delicious.

I grab my shirt and pull it on, leaving it unbuttoned.

I hop off the counter and stand next to Shawn as I watch him stick a toothpick in the center.

"Perfect." He says and I smile.

"Too bad they interrupted." I say and he looks at me with a smirk.

"You know it might take a little but for them to cool off." When he says this is smile.

"I think you're right." I say right before being scooped up into his arms.

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