When in London

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Requested by and dedicated to: shawnieboyimagine

"Dear God my stomach hurts so bad." He rolls over in the bed while clenching his stomach.

I sit down next to him and rub his back. I feel so helpless. 

We are in London visiting Shawn's Gran. Yesterday Shawn got hungry so we stopped at this small restaurant.

I had a bad feeling about because it just looked sketchy and kind of smelled like urine. Shawn was so hungry that he refused to go anywhere else. He was the only hungry one so he picked up some food to go for himself.

Well late last night we had to take him to the emergency room for bad stomach pains. Turns out he has food poising.

The poor thing has been in and out of the bathroom throwing up. 

"I know it does." I say. I run my hand through his hair and feel that he's starting to sweat a little. "I'm going to get a cool rag from downstairs." I get up to leave, but Shawn grabs my hand.

"No please don't leave me." He says and I see a little tear slip from the crease of his eye.

"Shawn..." I say and lean in to wipe it away. "I'll be back in a minuet." I say and kiss his forehead. 

He groans and with that I go downstairs.

We are staying with Shawn's family at his Grans house. 

"Shawn is starting to sweat a little again." I say.

"Here you go dear." Gran hands me an already cool cloth. It's like she knew I was going to come down here for it.

"How'd you know-" I began to ask how she knew what I needed, but then she held up her hand.

"I've been doing this for many years now. I know what people need. Especially my babies." She says and pinches my cheek a little bit.

Gran always tells me that she already thinks of me as one of her grandchildren even though Shawn and I aren't even married.

I smile and thank her for the cloth before returning to Shawn. 

"I'm back." I say. I notice that Shawn has now removed his shirt. "Does that help? Being shirtless?" I ask him as I sit down.

"Why, do you want me to put it back on?" He asks.

"No no. I never said that." I wink at him and he laughed a little bit. "Here." I say and start pressing the cloth to his warm skin.

"Thank you." He says so soft that it sounds like a whisper.

"It's one of the many reasons I'm here." I get up and take the cloth to the bathroom.

I ring out the little water that remains into the sink, and set the cloth on the counter for later.

"Y/n! Y/n! Where are you?" I hear Shawn calling my name.

I rush to the room to see what's wrong, but he's still like he was when I left him.

"What's wrong?" I ask because maybe his pain has worsened.

"Nothing, I just didn't know where you were at." When he says this I let out a soft sigh.

I was just about to sit down on the bed when Shawn asked me to take his socks off for him. I did and set the socks in the dirty laundry before returning to sit with Shawn.

He is sprawled out on the bed so I shove over his arm and sit under the covers comfortably. He rolls over and rests his head in my lap.

"I'm surprised you've put up with me for so long without getting annoyed." He says and I can't help but let out a small laugh.

"Who said I never got annoyed?" I ask and he laughs a little with me. "Even though you get like a big baby when you're sick, I'll always be here to help you." I play with his hair a little with my right hand and rub his back with my left.

"I'd do the same for you." He says and looks up at me with a smile.

"I know you would." I stopped rubbing his back and he turns and looks at me.

"Can you keep rubbing my back?" He asks and I smile and continue rubbing his back.

"Anything for the baby." I joke and he laughs a little.

I held Shawn close and eventually he fell asleep. This happens almost every time he gets sick. I don't mind it though.

Even if he was contagious with some deadly disease, I would still hold him close and take care of him. Always.

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