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Requested by and dedicated to: shawnieboyimagine

Shawn's POV

I feel a bead of sweat slowly roll down my face. I hear my breath, heavy, quick, and shaky.

My heart is pounding and I feel like this could honestly be it for me.

I struggle to free myself, but there's just no getting free. My wrists burn from the ropes around them.

It's like everything was silent. I can see her, but i can't seem to hear her. 

I can see the deceit and evil in her eyes as she looks up at me with a devilsh smile.

I yell and struggle hoping someone might hear me. Although I don't even know where I am exactly.

My yelling came to a quick stop at the feeling of something sharp stabbing my leg.

I cry out in pain. It's like my voice is still the only one I can hear. Maybe it's my brains way of handling all of this. 

Finally I give up. I feel my eyes get watery as they fill with tears. I don't even try to hold them back.

"Please let me go." I beg hoping that she has some sympathy.

Then I heard her voice clear as day.

"Sorry. I just can't do that. You're much to precious to just let go." 

I close my eyes tightly as I suddenly feel her skin on mine. 


"Shawn. Shawn!" I open my eyes in a panic and shoot up in a sitting position.

I look to my left to see Y/n. Worry is written all over her face. She has her cool hand on my shoulder.

I look around and realize that it was all a dream. Well, more like a memory. 

"Shawn you're sweating." Y/n says and I rub my forehead and sure enough I was.

"Sorry I woke you." I say and run my hand through my hair.

"No, I'm glad I woke up. What were you dreaming about? You were crying and yelling in your sleep." She says and I sigh and look at her.

"I was dreaming about that night again." As soon as I said it she knew exactly what I was talking about.

She lets out a heavy breath and sits cross legged next to me.

"You haven't had that dream in a while." She says softy. It was oddly comforting.

"I know." I say with a long sigh.

"Why do you think you had it again? After so long." She asks me and I look at her and shrug.

"I honestly don't know." 

"Maybe it was the movie you and Geoff were watching. It was about something similar." When she says this it makes sense that it could have been that.

"Probably." I say and put my face in my hands. "I thought I was over this." I say.

I look up at the ceiling and then over at Y/n. 

"Shawn what happened to you was awful. It was traumatic. It's not unusual that you still think about it every now and then. That it still bothers you thinking about what that awful women did to you." She shifts so that she's sitting on her knees now.

"Dear God I know how I felt about what happened, and I can't even imagine how it was for you. You can't let this get to you too much though because what happened has no control over you. It doesn't define you or who you are." I look at her and I have no idea what to say because everything she just said I needed to hear.

"I guess I just have a hard time with it." I say and she smiles a little.

She moves over so that she's sitting in my lap, facing me.

She takes my face in her hands and looks at me so deeply.

"It's okay for it to be hard. Just don't let it be impossible." She says.

I couldn't help but smile. 

I don't know how I could have possible gotten through life without her. She's the best part of me. 

I press my lips to hers and give her the sweetest kiss possible. She giggles a little into the kiss which makes me smile against her lips.

I turn her over so that she's laying back down on her side of the bed again. I hover over her, barley leaving an inch between our faces.

She smiles and wrap as her arms around my neck.

"You know you're the reason I'm still sane right?" I say and she laughs a little.

"Shawn I don't think you give yourself enough credit." She says and then pulls me in for another kiss. 

I lie down next to her and wraps her arms around me and rests her head on my chest.

I kiss the top of her head and I feel when she smiles

Her embrace is the best feeling in the world. Especially right now.

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