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This imagine is dedicated to barbiedollx0x0


I wake up and turn over on my side and see that Shawn isn't lying next to me anymore. I look around the room and get out of bed. I put some clothes on and look around the apartment.

I go into the kitchen and see a note on the fridge. 

Went to breakfast with Camila, didn't want to wake you. Love you -Shawn

When I read the note it makes me a bit mad to be honest. He's been spending all his freakin time in the studio or with Camila.

He says it's because he hasn't seen her in a long time which I understand, but this is getting out of hand and I'm fed up with it.

At first I thought about just giving him the silent treatment, but I was scrolling through Instagram and I see a post that Cameron Dallas posted and it gives me an amazing idea.

I quickly start messaging people and I got the responses from everyone that I wanted. 


It's already getting pretty late and it's almost time for what I've planned. I get out my phone and text Shawn.

Rin: I have a surprise for when you get home 😊

Shawn: Okay cool, I'll be home a little late.

I put the phone away and then the doorbell rings. "Here we go." I say and open the door and greet every one.

"Hi! I'm so glad you guys could make it." I say and let all of the guys that Shawn did Magcon with in.

"No problem! I'm glad that we get to have a little OG Magcon reunion." Cameron says and smiles. "Yeah well Shawn will definitely love it too." I say.

"So where is he?" Gilinksy asks me. "Uh he's going to be home late." I say. The guys know me because we have all met once or twice.

They just don't know about me and Shawn. No one knows because we aren't official, so eveyone thinks that we are friends.

Shawn says he doesn't want people judging me and that's why we aren't a public thing. He's never even called me his girlfriend before.

"You guys can get drinks over there and I'll put on some music. This is going to be a surprise for Shawn." I say and they all go get drinks.

We all start drinking and then Shawn arrives home. He comes through the door and looks a bit surprised.

"Hey!" Eveyone yells. "Uh hey!" He says and comes and sits down. "This is your surprise!" I say and hand Shawn a beer. I'm already a bit tipsy from drinking.

"Cool." He says and faintly smiles. Shawn and Cam started talking and I got up and wanted to dance to the music. "Come and dance with me." I say and take Gilinksy by the hand.

He smirks and gets up and dances with me. Shawn looks at us and then looks back at Cam and clenches his jaw.

I wrap my arms around Gilinksy's neck and he wraps his hands around my waist and we're dancing all over each other.

Finally we go and sit down and I sit between him and Matt. "So Matt you're an actor now right?" I ask and I'm sitting really close to him.

"Yeah I am." He says and smiles at me. "That's so cool. I bet you get to play a lot of cool characters." I say and tilt my head to the side being a bit provocative.

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