Dangerously In Love Pt.2

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 I start to think about where Shawn could be. "The name of a tree is in the name of this place?" I say and think.

I open up Google on my phone and look up information about Shawn. I know who Shawn Mendes is, but I know absolutely nothing about him other than what is out on social media.

I open up a website and figure it out. "Pine Ridge Secondary School. That's gotta be it." I say and the  tear out of the park parking lot.

I got the address of the school and I know exactly where it is. I drive towards the school and I'm nervous, scared, but also determined.

I don't know much about Shawn. I just met him, but he helped me out at the party. If he hadn't shown up who knows what that guy would have done to me.

I feel a strong connection with Shawn and I'm going to get him out of this mess. 

I arrive at the school and it looks creepy at night. I dig trough Shawns car for anything I can defend myself with.

I grab an umbrella and then find a pocket knife. I put the pocket knife in my back pocket and get out of the car.

I go into the school and the hallways are dark. I look around and keep walking down the hallways to try and find where Shawn is. 

Then I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I take it out and I'm getting a call from Shawns phone.

"Hello?" I say into the phone. "Shannon don't come! I'll get out on my own. Do not come! It's a trap!" Before he could say anything else I hear muffled talking in the background.

"Shawn? Shawn?" I say into the phone. "See you soon." I hear the voice say. Then all of a sudden and arm comes around my neck and another comes around my face.

They had a cloth over my face and soon I was out and everything went black. 


What felt like a few seconds later I slowly open my eyes to see I'm in a dim empty room tied up to a pillar.

"Shannon. Are you awake?" I turn my head as much as possible and then I feel that Shawn is tied to the opposite side of the same pillar.

"Yeah I'm awake." I say and he lets out a breath. "What's going on?" I ask him. His back is to mine and mine to his. Both of our hands are tied behind our backs and around the pillar.

Our feet are also tied to the pillar so we can't get out. "Allow me to explain." I see a girl walking in the room closing the door behind her.

"Who are you?" I ask. "Shawn honey why don't you tell her who I am." She says and I turn my head so it's closer to Shawn.

"She's my ex. My INSANE ex." He says yelling at this girl. "Thank you for that Shawn." She says and walks over to me.

"Now you Shannon...." She grabs my face roughly with one hand and looks me in the eyes. "You're going to find out what Shawn here has done to receive such a cruel punishment." She says and then pushes my face hard to the side.

"Did she hurt you?" I ask Shawn quietly because I can't see him to know. "Oh not to much." The girl says so I guess I wasn't being that quiet.

"Alaina just let us go. I'll give you whatever you want. Money, a job, whatever you want." Shawn says.

"I don't want any of that. What I want is for you to pay for leaving me behind. I want you to hurt like I did. I want you to hurt more than I did!" She says and I hear her slap his face.

"Alaina. Let's not get to carried away now." I hear a guy's voice and it's sounds all to familiar.

"Danny?" I say and now I'm even more scared than before. "You know him?" Shawn asks me. "Oh yeah Shannon really knows Danny here." Alaina says.

"What are you doing?" I ask him and he comes close to me. "Well Alaina was at that party you too left. She saw you guys together." Danny says.

"I snapped a picture of you because I wanted to show my friend Danny here the slut that Shawn left me for." Alaina says.

"So when I saw it was you I suggested that we get some revenge." Danny says and gets close to my face. "You thought you could just run away from me, but I told you that I'd get you one day didn't I?" He says into my ear sending chills down my spine.

He wraps his hand around my waist and puts his mouth against my ear. "Now there's no where for you to run." He whispers and his hot breath against my skin gives me goosebumps.

He walks away from me and over to Alaina. "We have to go run some errands." Alaina says. 

"Yup. We have to get some things to hurt you guys with. We'll be back in an hour or so." Danny says and then they both walk out of the room closing and locking the door behind them.

"Shannon I'm so sorry I got you into this." Shawn says. "It's not your fault that we both have crazy ex's." I say.

"I just wish there was a way to get out of here." Shawn says and then I remember the pocket knife. 

"Shawn I need you to reach in my pants." I say. "Um what?" He says. "No not like that! I mean reach into my back pant pocket. There's a pocket knife in there." I say.

"Oh! Okay." He says and I feel him take the knife from my pocket. Got it." He says.

"Okay now cut the rope around my wrists." I say. "But I can't see. What if I cut you?" He asks me. "I'll be fine. Just do it." I say and so he begins cutting.

While he was cutting he accidentally cut me a little bit, but I kept from saying anything to avoid him freaking out.

The cut didn't hurt that bad so I was able to contain myself long enough for Shawn to cut my hands lose. 

"Okay give me the knife." I say and he hands it to me. "Shannon did I cut you?" He asks me and I look and see that he got blood on his hands.

"Only a little. I'm fine." I say as I reach down and cut the rope around my ankles.

Once I'm free I go over to Shawn and start to cut his hands free. "You need to wrap your wrist in something." He says as I'm cutting the rope from his ankles.

When I'm finished I take off my shirt leaving me in a thin black tanktop. "Tie this around my wrist." I tell Shawn so he does and it hurt a little.

"Okay let's go." I say and we walk to the door but it's locked. "Shit." Shawn says and I look around the room.

I grab my head and then feel a hair pin in my hair. "Yes!" I say and take the pin out. 

I take a hair tie I had on my arm and tie my hair up out of my face. "What are you doing?" Shawn asks me.

"Picking the lock." I say. "You know how to do that?" He asks me. "Yeah. Before my parents got a divorce my dad would lock me in my room for hours and then get drunk and fall asleep. I would pick the lock to get out." I say.

I move the pin around in the lock a little bit and then finally it clicks. "Okay we're out." I say and open the door.

"So where in the school are we?" I ask. "Looks like the basment." Shawn says. "Well you know the school, so lead the way." I say and he nods.

"Let's get out of here." He says and grabs my hand as we walk out of this room together.


There is going to be one more part to this imagine so keep an eye out for part three. I'll be putting it up tomorrow.

What do you think will happen next?

Don't forget to comment and vote! Love you guys! Requests are always open!


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