Neighbors Pt.3

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I swipe a little mascara onto my eyelashes finishing my look for the family get together. 

All of a sudden I get a text on my phone.

Shawn:  I'm ready, do I come through the front door or the balcony?

Kate:   How is your number in my phone?

Shawn: I put it in last night

Kate: But my phone has a password lol

Shawn: Your name wasn't really hard to guess 

Kate: True, okay just come to the front door. If you come through the balcony I'll get in trouble.

Shawn: See you soon ;)

I couldn't help but smile when I look at my phone. I look at myself in the mirror and check to make sure everything looks good.

I'm wearing tan colored shorts and a cute hunter green t-shirt that says "California" on it.

I'm also wearing my black converse and my hair is pulled into a ponytail. I hear a knock at the door and run downstairs before my dad can answer.

"Damn." I say to myself when I see my dad at the door. "I see you've met Shawn." I say and put my hand on my dads shoulder and smile at him then back at Shawn.

"Yes I have." My dad says bluntly. "Good." I say and nod. "Well aren't you going to come in?" I ask Shawn a look at my dad.

My dad sighs and then moves aside letting Shawn in the house. "We leave in five minutes, I just need to check on your mother." My dad says.

"Okay, we'll wait." I say. "You're dad is uh...nice." Shawn says and I laugh. "He's very protective. He just wants the best for me." I say and Shawn nods.

A little while later my dad came back and we left to my aunts house. "Best behavior please." My dad says as we get out of the car. 

"I'm going to destroy everything!" I joke and my dad rolls his eyes and I laugh. I look at Shawn and he smiles at me before we go into Aunt Carol's house.

"Uncle Dick!" Carl opened the door and greeted us. "I told you not to call me that." My dad huffs. Carl calls my dad dick as a joke because his name is Richard. My dad hates it.

"Hey look who's here! Shawnie boy!" Carl says and him and Shawn do that guy hug thing. "Hey man." Shawn says.

Shawns POV

"Hey Kate." I look and see Jason walking up to Kate. She looks at me and before she could say anything Jason had his arms wrapped around her waist hugging her tightly.

"Uh Hey Jason." She says. "I've been waiting for you to get here." He says and Kate smiles. She walks over to me and links our arms.

"Good, we can all hang out later. Come on Shawn let's go introduce you to Aunt Carol." She says and walks away still with our arms linked.

I couldn't help but smile at the fact that she just did that. I can't help but feel like Jason might be competition because it seems like Kate likes him.

I wouldn't be surprised if she did because she's known him a lot longer than me. I really really like her though.

Kate's POV

We walked through the house and Shawn got to meet lots of my family. Finally we made it to the kitchen where Aunt Carol is.

 "Hey Aunt Carol." I say and hug her. "Hi sweetheart. Will you help and start the oven?" She says so I do it. "Who's the cute boy?" She asks and smiles at Shawn.

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