Big Reveal

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This imagine is dedicated to: fianceeofshawnmendes

This is also one I've been meaning to post so I hope you enjoy!!


"Emily where are you?" I hear Shawn's voice boom from somewhere in the apartment.

"In the bathroom!" I yell after spitting out a mouthful of toothpaste.

When I woke up this morning, Shawn was gone and I have no idea where he's been.

The sound of his feet on the wooden floor gets closer and closer until he's standing in the doorway of the bathroom holding a baby outfit.

"Shawn." I laugh a little as I wile my mouth clean.

"What?" He asks me with a smile. "It's gender neutral."

I look at the light grey baby shirt that has a silver and blue guitar on it.

"Whatever you say." I say with another light laugh and a shake of the head.

"I'm so excited." Shawn says and sets the baby shirt away.

"That makes two of us." I say and pull my hair out of my face.

I walk into the closet and search for the dress I bought specifically for today.The gender reveal party for our baby.

I'm seven months pregnant and honestly feeling so impatient to find out whether I'm having a boy or a girl.

I feel Shawn's warm arms wrap around me, his big hands cradling my stomach.

He places a few kisses on my cheek before I turn around and kiss his lips.

"I love you." He says and I smile.

"I love you too." I watch as he kneels down and kisses my stomach.

Shawn is going to make the absolute best dad ever. He's very much looking forward to it.

I go out to the dining room after I'm finished getting ready and start setting up the dinner table.

I have a big stack of plates in my hand and I start setting them out.

"Here let me help you." Shawn says and take a the plates away from me which frustrates me a little.

"Shawn I cam do it." I say and watch as he swiftly makes his way around the table and sets out the plates.

"Yeah, but you don't have to." He says.

"Look I know you're being sweet and I love you for that, but sometimes you go a little overboard on helping me. I may be pregnant, but I'm still very capable." I say and he sighs.

"I know you are. I do get a little carried away, but it's just because you're already doing so much by carrying our child." He says and touches my stomach.

"You make it impossible to be upset." I say and kiss him.

An hour passed before people started arriving. Of course Cameron was one of the first people to show.

Him and shawn have been good friends since they were in Macon together, but Cameron has always had a thing for me.

Shawn says he's harmless, but sometimes I wonder where his limits are.

"Hey beautiful." I turn around to see Cameron walking in the kitchen.

"Hi." I say and make it look like I'm busy.

"Where's Shawn?" Cam asks.

"Uh, I think he's out helping his mom get balloons from her car." I say without looking at him.

"Okay." He says and leans against the counter.

I don't say anything to him despite to intense awkward silence.

Then my phone rings on the counter behind me.

I set the things in my hands down and when I turn around Cam has my phone.

"What the hell, Cameron?" I say and snatch my phone out of his hands.

"What?" He asks and laughs like it's funny.

"Just go away!" I tell him and he walks away chuckling like an idiot.

The evening goes on and everyone takes their guesses as to what the baby will be.

"Are you nervous?" I ask Shawn.

"Yeah kind of, but also excited." He says and then smiles. "Nervcited."

"How witty." I say and shake my head with a smile.

I impatiently wait for everyone to gather around so we can cut this damn cake and find out what we're having.

Finally it's time. Shawn and I hold the cake knife together and slowly cut into it.

For some reason I close my eyes.

Everyone starts yelling and cheering and that's when I open my eyes to see that the inside of the cake is pink.

"Oh my gosh! A girl!" I say and turn to face Shawn.

"A girl!" He says with tears in his eyes.

I grab Shawn's face and plant a huge kiss on his lips.

"I love you so much." I say and kiss him again.

Everyone comes one at a time to high and congratulate us. Including Cameron.

"Congrats you guys. You two are gonna make great parents." He says and gives a look I've never seen him do before.

Almost as if he's being mature for once.

"Thanks." I say and him and Shawn hug each other.

The rest of the night is full of dancing, talking, and just so much joy.

I can't wait for our beautiful baby girl to get here.

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