All Mine

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This imagine was requested by Mymendes05


"Shawn!" I yell and he laughs a little. "Oh my God don't stop!" I say and bite my lower lip.

"Faster, you're so slow!" I tell him and he looks at me and I laugh.

(A/n: My friend Marissa thought this was going to be dirty😂 I did it on purpose lol)

"I'm about to run out of lives." He says and I look at his corner of the tv and see that he's got one life left.

"Okay well then I'm screwed." I say as me and Shawn are playing video games. Me and Shawn have been dating for two years now.

I'm on tour with him right now and we are playing games at the house we are renting out while we are here in Brazil.

"I'm dead!" I say and throw down my controller onto the couch. "That was a good game though." Shawn says and laughs.

"Yeah but I didn't win." I say and cross my arms. "Oh don't be such a baby." He says and comes over and kisses my lips.

"I guess in a way I did win." I say and connect our lips again. Shawn draws closer to me and I lean back as we make out here on the couch.

He pulls away from my lips and looks at me. "Marry me." He says.

"What?" I say and he smiles. He reaches over to his jacket and pulls out a smal box from the pocket.

He gets off of the couch and down on one knee. "Nicci Marry me." He says. I feel my eyes watering up and I smoke so big.

"Yes!" I say and smile and he puts the ring on my finger. As soon as it's on he scoops me up in his arms and we have the most passionate kiss by far.

I pull away and look at his face. "Is this real?" I say and he smiles. "Feels like a dream doesn't it?" He says and I smile and kiss him again.

"I'm going to be your wife. We're getting married!" I say and he smiles before kissing me again.


Seven Months later. You're wedding day.

"Are you ready?" I turn around and look at my dad and key out a breath. "Yeah I think so." I say and he looks at me like he did when he took mento my first day of kindergarten.

He smiles and his eyes water a bit. "Daddy please don't cry." I say and grab his hand. "You look beautiful and I know that you'll make a great wife and one day a great mother." He says and my eyes water up a bit too.

"Let's do this." I say and link arms with my dad. I hear the music playing and all the bridesmaids walk out with the groomsmen.

We are having an outside wedding. It's Autumn so it's cool outside. Now it's my turn to walk down the isle.

I take a deep breath and as soon as I step out I look around and see eveyone looking at me smiling.

I feel my stomach turning and I'm so nervous. Part of me feels like running away and hiding. Then I see him.

I see Shawn standing there at the alter and it's like all of my fears and nerves went away. They just disappeared.

My dad gives me away and Shawn takes my hand. I stand here in front of him and although I'm trying to listen to the minister talking I can't take my eyes off of Shawn.

"Now the bride and groom have prepared their own vows." The minister says.

We agreed that I would go first because I know for a fact I'm going to cry as soon as Shawn starts talking.

"Shawn there aren't any words that my mind could come up with to fully describe how much you mean to me. You've been there by my side as long as I can remember. You're my best friend, other half, soul mate, and today you become my husband. I was always afraid of what change would bring until the day I met you. You showed me that change isn't a bad thing and it never was. I can't wait to grow with you as the many years of marriage waiting for us bring great changes to our lives." I say and and his eyes water up.

He smiles and and I wipe away and tear from my eye. "Okay well everyone has their opinions about love. I think love is that feeling you get when you can't stand being away from that one person. When you think of that person you can't help but smile. It's like you could be having the worst day possible, but then that person comes in and just smiles and your whole day is better. They make you feel as though your heart is going to explode. Like all of the air in your lungs has just been taken away. You do everything in your power to make this person happy and to give them all of your love. Nicci, you're my person. You always have been and now I get the honor of calling you my wife."

When he finishes talking I want to kiss him so much. I smile the biggest smile and wipe away my tears. "You may now kiss the bride." Were the only words I clearly heard come out of the ministers mouth.

I wrap my arms around Shawn neck and kiss his his sweet lips. We kissed so passionately and it felt as if it was just me and him standing here in this moment.

We break and I smile at him and eveyone cheers. "I love Mrs.Mendes." Shawn says and I love how it sounds.

"I love you too Mr.Mendes." I say and kiss him once more.


I really liked writing this one lol

I'm at the hospital right now with my family because we think my mom is going to have my baby sister today.

I'm so excited because I've always wanted a little sister. Also there is a Starbucks at this hospital which is great!

Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment and vote! Requests are still open so feel free to send me a dm.

Love you guys!


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