Helping Out

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Requested by and dedicated to 

Shawns POV

"What the hell?! Why were you even in my room?!" I yell and I feel my face getting hot with anger.

"I needed a hockey stick! I didn't mean to break it! I'm sorry!" She says and I hold the broken guitar in my hands.

"Sorry doesn't fix my guitar Aaliah!" I say. "Obviously, but you don't have to be such a butt head about this!" She says.

"Just get out!" I yell and point to the door. "No, not until you say you forgive me." She says and puts her hands on her hips.

"Are you kidding me right now? I said get out!" I roughly grab her arm and shove her out of my room.

"Shawn Peter Raul Mendes! I know you did not just put your hands on your sister." I turn and see my mother looking at me.

"She broke my guitar mom." I say defending myself. "I don't care if she broke your foot! You don't shove your sister out of anger!" My mom yells.

"I'm getting in trouble for this? This is ridiculous!" I say. "Oh really? Well now you're grounded. I want your phone, and you can't go out for the next two weeks." She says.

"Mom!" I say and she holds out her hand for me to give her my phone. 

I sigh and take it from my pocket placing it in her hand. 

"Fine." I say through gritted teeth. She turns around and walks away with Aaliah. I go into my room slamming the door shut behind me.


Your POV

 I'm sitting at home on the couch eating straight out of the bag of chips when I feel my phone buzz next to me on the couch.

I grab it and see I have a text from Karen. 

British mum: Hi honey, I need a big favor from you

Y/n: Of course! What's up?

British mum:  Shawn and Aaliah for I to an argument and he shoved her. I grounded him and now he's very upset with me. He won't come out of his room or talk to anyone.

Y/n: So you want me to come over and calm him down?

British mum: Would you please? You're the only one he'll listen to

Y/n: I'll be there in five

British mum: Thank you so much honey. I'll have some cookies waiting for you too.

 Smile when I read that last message because I absolutely love Karen.

I get on some boots and grab my keys. My parents aren't home so I just lock up the house and leave.

When I arrive at Shawns house I get off and go inside because Karen gave me a key. "Hello?" I say as I walk in and take off my shoes at the front.

"Oh good, you're here." Karen says and hugs me. "Is he in his room?" I ask her. "Yeah. He's pretty worked up." She says and I nod.

"I'll talk to him." I say and smile. "Oh your an angle." She says and I smile. I walk up the stairs and go over to Shawns room.

I knock on the door a little and wait for him to answer. "I don't want to talk!" Shawn yells from his room. I open it and slightly peek my head in.

"Not even to me?" I ask him. "Oh. Yeah you can come in." He says and go in closing the door behind me.

"You okay?" I ask him. "No. Aaliah broke my guitar." He says and holds it up and the neck is broken off. 

"Oh wow." I say and go and sit next to him. "Yeah and I got in trouble for it." He says.

"Is that what you got in trouble for? Or was it something else?" I ask and he looks at me.

"No! I didn't do anything wrong!" He says and stands up. "Hey. Calm down okay? We're just talking so don't get so defensive." I say and stand in front of him.

I take his hands in mine and look up into his eyes. He's taller than me by like four inches. 

I smile and he smiles back. "How is it that you just look at me and my day is so much better?" He says.

"I guess I'm just great like that." I say and run my hands up his chest and over his shoulders. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into a kiss. 

When we pull away I look up at him again. "You know you were wrong for shoving Aaliah. You were mad and it wasn't right." I say calmly and he sighs.

"Yeah I know." He says. "So...." I say and tilt my head to the side.

"I'll go apologize." He says and I smile. "Good." I say and peck his lips. He walks out of the room and I follow. 

"I'll be downstairs." I say and he nods. I see him go into Aaliahs room so I go downstairs to the kitchen.

"Is he calm now?" Karen asks me. "Yeah, he's apologizing to Aaliah now." I say. "Thank you so much again. Here are your cookies." She says and puts a plate down in front of me.

"Mmmm." I say and take one from the plate and bite into it. "Their soft. Just like you like them." She says and I smile.

"Hey mom." Shawn says coming into the kitchen. "Well hello." She says and looks at him.

He smiles at her and then hugs her. "Sorry for the way I talked to you. It was wrong and it won't happen again." He says and Karen smiles.

"It's okay honey. I want you to know that I did get onto Aaliah. I grounded you because you seemed to think you did nothing wrong." Karen says.

"Yeah I know." He says. "Now that you've  owned you're mistakes, I guess you do t have to be grounded." She says and hands Shawn his phone back.

He kisses her cheek and hugs her again. "Oh cookies." Shawn says and reaches for one but I pull the plate away.

"Um no. These are mine." I say and he makes a puppy dog face. I sigh and push the plate towards him and he smiles.

He grabs one off of the plate and bites it. He comes over to me and kisses the top of my head and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Oh I can't wait for you two to get married." Karen says and I laugh a little. "We're only sixteen, so I do t think that will be happening for a long time." I say and Shawn nods.

"Agreed." He says with a mouth full of cookie. Shawn tries to grab another cookie but I slap his hand.

 "You already got one." I say. "Why are these just yours?" He asks. "Because I drove over here because you had your panties in a wad. This is my payment." I say.

"Oh come on! Just one more." He says and I shake my head. He leans in like he's going to kiss me, but then he sneaks a cookie.

"Hey!" I say and he takes a bite. "You big goof!" I say and poke his stomach and he laughs and little bits of cookie come from his mouth at my face.

"Oh gross!" I say and laugh as I wipe my face. Shawn starts laughing and covers his mouth.

"You're such a pig." I say. "But you love me." He says and wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses my cheek.

"Yeah I guess I do." I say and smile.

I look at Shawn and I can't wait to see what the future holds for the two of us.


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