Chapter Thirty-one

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Brianna's Pov

I stood solemnly in front of the house I bought years ago. I didn't have the chance to live in it but it seemed to bring back memories. I was so naive and stupid back then. But now, that girl is long gone.

She is stronger and confident.

"Are you okay?" Nathan's deep velvety voice brought me out of my trance. He was leaning on his car and watching my every move. I knew he was worried and wanted to ask many questions but he refrained himself from doing so.

"Yeah, i'm fine. I just need the furnitures here. Frank our furniture designer made them specifically for me. He wasn't really into designing home furnitures back then but one day, he suprised me with them as a gift." I scoffed. "A wedding gift."

He blinked twice, "A wedding gift?"

"Yeah." I smiled weakly before I went to the porch to unlock the door.

The moment i unlocked the door, the memories flooded back in.


"Riley, don't just stand there. Come in." I gestured for him to enter the living room. "Don't you think this house is perfect for us?" I happily twirled around the house.

He looked at his surrounding and cursed. He raked his hair roughly and threw his hands in the air. "Why did you buy a house Brianna?"

He was doing it again. Getting irritated anytime I said our relationship should move further.

"You said you were going to marry me so I figured we should start planning by having a house. We can move in after the wedding. Gosh, it would be so much fun. Have you seen the garden at the backyard. It's so beautiful. I'll plant more flowers just like the ones you give me and then, we will have a kid that would play around the house and I could even be a housewife if you want me too while you're working at the hospital. "

He groaned louder."Can you be quiet for a minute?"

I ignored his harsh tone and continued, "I know it all looks too fast but just think of how happy we would be. After my graduation this month, we would get married. I'll take you to see my parents. They would be delighted to meet you. Everything is going to be okay we will be the best family ever." I tried to ease him into it by hugging him but he didn't hug me back.

He removed my hands from his shoulder and faced me squarely. I was definitely sure I perceived a female's perfume on him and it wasn't mine. This fragrance was fruity, like a mango and it was too much.

I was already used to it in our relationship. I knew he was cheating on me but he always apologized and brought back roses for me. Everytime. That's why I wanted us to get married as soon as possible so I would have him to myself and no one else.

"I can't do it any longer. I'm tired."

"Wha-what's wrong? Do you have an headache? I-i have some aspirin in my bag. Let me go get it."

"No! You're not listening. Brianna, I'm breaking up with you. I'm tired as in I'm so tired of tolerating you. You're so annoying that you don't even realize it."

"Riley, I....I...don't understand. Where's this coming from?"

He sighed and rubbed his temples. "Brianna, i'm breaking up with you."

"What? No, no! I-is it because of the house? I'll...i' it. We don't have to live here. Please, Riley. I love you. I'll do anything. I'll even allow other women to be in your life but please, don't break up with me." I held his shirt begging in tears.

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