Chapter One:Boss

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She's The Boss

By: Desire Igwe

Copyright 2019. All Rights Reserved.

Starting date: 12th May 2019.

Lastly, this book is completely fictional, all characters, places and events are simply my imagination.

Brianna's POV

Monday Morning, my best day of the week where I have to occupy myself with work to stop the depression thoughts of being lonely.

People have always seen me as the scary lady who's never going to get married and die alone. It's not that I don't want to date, I do really. It's just that men feel intimidated when they are around me. Like it should be and always would be. This is all because of a certain someone called Riley.

My thoughts got interrupted by my phone ringing.

"Hello Frank? Can you hear me....It's noisy there. Where are you? You know what, I'll just text you instead." I said to Frank as I walked into the the building of Conrad Furniture. He must be busy at his studio.

As soon as the elevator opened to my department everyone started scurrying to their post as they noticed me entering.

This was the most effective team in the building simply because I didn't tolerate gossiping, tardiness and relationships in the office.

People avoided coming to this department a lot. I overheard them calling it the robot team.

''Morning Brianna," My assistant, Andrew greeted. "Did you prepare for the conference meeting in thirty minutes," he handed me my coffee.

"Of course I did. Is that even a question?" I removed my heels and turned to my flats. "Did you organize the files i sent to your email last night?" I asked after taking my seat in my office.

He nodded.

"I need to make sure everything goes right today and oh, Frank and I spoke last night. He wants to do the designs for this new collection. Tell Morris he's out." I said as i arranged my files and carried my laptop as I headed to the conference room.

As I stepped out of my office, I saw the staffs scamper. It was almost like they typed something on their computers to let everyone know I was heading out of my office.

"You are firing Morris? Why?" Andrew asked behind me.

"He was just a backup plan incase I wasn't able to get Frank. He lacks what I  need. Authenticity. And he's only after the money."

"So how did you get Frank agree?"

"I didn't. He called me."

I stopped in my steps when I noticed Chris flirting with a fellow employee at her station.

He had one job.

I clearly told him to get Frank to do the new designs and he didn't bother calling him. He wanted Morris to do the job because of the ten percent Morris promised him. I know this because I have eyes everywhere.

"Ahem! Am I interrupting?" I raised a brow and the lady composed herself while Chris rolled his eyes.

"What does her royal highness need this time?" He joked trying to get attention and laughs from our fellow colleagues.

"Chris, It is time to let you go." I headed straight to the point.

Andrew and Chris both looked at me in shock.

"I'm sorry?" Chris finally broke the silence after staring at me blankly for almost two minutes.

"I personally asked you several times to get Frank to do the new designs and you didn't do it. You are fir-yur-ed! You know the way out." I patted his shoulders and proceeded my journey to the conference room.

"You blood sucking demon!" He yelled following behind me.

Everybody gasped out loud at the outbreak.

I turned slowly-facing him as everyone was now watching. "And I suppose you think you are a saint." I said calmly with a smile.

"Of course I am." He replied defensively. "I-I know you are threatened by my presence, you misogynist...A man is finally promoted as assistant manager and you are threatened? So what they said is true after-all. You are a misandrist. I overestimated you." He chuckled. "I will say what's in everybody's mind. You are a boring aging witch trying to order us around like robots because you do not have a life. Everything you're doing here is all for nothing because at the end of the day, you are going to be a sad, saggy, old lady with no grandkids to look after you. It would just be you and your boring misandrist sad life."

At this point I was beyond mad but I had to control myself. 'Be professional.' I told myself a thousand times.

I exhaled and then smiled. "Are you satisfied?"

"Why?" He shrugged.

"Christopher, listen carefully. I didn't fire you because I feel threatened, mmm! No. I fired you because you are lazy. I don't need someone dragging me down when i ask for a simple task to be done. How you got promoted is none of my business but it's never happening again. Not under my watch. Tell your father that i said so."

He scoffed looking embarrassed at the staffs "My father didn't help me with the promotion."

"We all know he did. You know what," I grinned. "Scratch it. I won't fire you. I'll demote you."

I heard someone whistle and few oohs!

"You have no right to do so. I work hard."

"You spend most of your time on porn websites and flirting with our employees than actually doing any work around here so don't you dare tell me i am threatened by you. Okay?" I curled my fist, a reaction to stop myself from breaking into tears. "I make sure that i work twice as hard so that each and everyone gets paid with bonuses every year."


"One word from you again and i'll get security to drag your ugly ass out of here."

He still tried to speak.

"I dare you! Christopher, i dare you! Speak another word and you're going to find yourself on social media being dragged out of here disgracefully."

I smiled after he stood quiet. "I have work to do." I darted straight towards the conference room.

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