Chapter Eight

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Brianna's POV

It's him! The elevator guy.

I never once imagined that he would get back at me. So low and childish.

I mean every guy I met was just scared of me but they didn't get back at me. Why is he so mean towards me? I was in deep thoughts till Jane poked me.

''Hello, earth to bree".

''Oh sorry, I saw him at the pool this morning too. He thought I was drowning.'' I gave a short laugh.

"Aww, he saved you." Rachel said while carrying a pair of diamond stud earings to show me.

''First of all, he didn't save me. He interupted me. Anyway, these are lovely do you think she'll like it''?

"We can only hope."

I payed for the things and we left. Once we got back, I asked the receptionist for the waitress that worked last night. It took time to get the exact one i was looking for but we eventually got her name.

"A guest wants to see Miss Abigail in the lobby." The receptionist said automatically through the phone.

Few minutes later, she appeared in front of me. Once she recognized me, she dropped her smile. I could see she was timid but she tried to hide it.

''Hy!" I said awkwardly. "This is for you and I'm sorry about yesterday." I handed her the black and white polka dot gift bag and she studied my expression to check if I was playing a prank on her.

''I accept your apology ma'am but you didn't have to get me anything."

''Call me Brianna, please and courtesy demands you accept any gift given to you."

"No, I canno-"

''Take it!'' I half yelled which made her flinch.

''Sorry.'' I smiled sweetly at her.

She gave me a genuine smile and thanked me before leaving.

On Saturday evening, Rachel was filing her nails and she suddenly asked, "Do you have any idea on what to do for the five months deal?"

I shook my head. " I don't even want to think about I-''

I was interrupted by a knock on the door. ''Jane can you get the door?"

''Why me?''

''Because you are closer to the door.''

She rolled her eyes and went to check the door.

''Twinkling eyes! Twinkling grey grey eyes!'' We heard Jane screaming at the door. Rachel and I looked at each other before we both ran to the door to see what caused her excitement.

I stopped in my steps when I saw him there. He had a smirk on his face and his green eyes were watching me like a hawk about to pounce on it's prey. Jane and Rachel said he had grey eyes but I always saw green. He was holding a bouquet of red roses and he smiled at my friends to be polite.

''What are you doing here?" I asked before closing the door behind me to give us privacy from Jane and Rachel.

He cleared his throat "Do you remember the day you emptied your drink in my face''?

"Yeah, how can I forget? Your friend was also laughing at you."

He gave me a cold stare and I returned it. It must've been long because Jane and Rachel who were obviously listening made a noise behind the door that stopped us from our staring contest.

''Look, am just here to apologize for what I did." He broke the silence.

''And what exactly did you do again?" I asked like I was clueless.

He studied me and continued. ''From your tone, I'm guessing you already know. I don't want to waste anymore time. These roses are for you".

"You got me roses? Red roses?'' I scoffed.

''Why? Is there something wrong with it? Aren't you supposed to be girly and happy about it? I really don't have time for your attitude, if you don't need it I can give it to someone else''.

There was always this dramatic tension between us. It's like our mind had already registered to hate each other.

"I don't like flowers, I prefer them in bottles. Also, the next time you offend a girl that's not your partner, please don't give her roses especially red ones because you'll send the wrong message."

I was about to close the door when Rachel came to the front and took the flowers from him and smiled sweetly before closing the room.

''What did you do that for?" I asked when she closed the door.

''Remember when you said you didn't know what to do about the five months deal? Well, that's your answer." She said pointing towards the door.

Jane was still at the door looking through the peep hole and whispering ''DangDang delicious." to herself.

"Me and him?" I fake laughed.

''He's the only guy I've seen so far that's not intimidated by you." Jane said as she joined us in the room.

''Please anybody but him, he gets on my nerve easily and I don't even know his name. He's a complete stranger. He could be a serial killer for all I know."

Later that night, we went to the hotel garden. It had a narrow passage with flowers on each sides. In the middle of the garden was a little water fountain. There were green low chairs with tables that matched the grass. This hotel was beautiful but their furnitures were mehh!!It was either they used glass or not quality woods. I have to see the owner about this one day.

As we took pictures at the fountain, we heard a small voice crying. It felt like all hope was lost for the person. I especially knew that type of tears. I had experienced it before.

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