Chapter Twenty-Five

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'My biggest accomplishment would never be money. It would be who I raised.'
-David IB


As I got to Nathan's door,  I realized i didn't have his door password or his number to call him.


There was only one thing to do. Try the doorbell. I pressed the button and did a silent prayer hoping he was around.

It was hopeless.

As I was about to turn to my door, I heard Nathan's door click from behind.  Never in my life was i ever happy to see Nathan. Maybe it's because i really wanted to get over this dinner and go back to my place to rest before my extravagant planned birthday tomorrow.

But it wasn't Nathan. The handsome guy in front of me had black hair, he was dressed casually. He towered over me so I think he was 6 foot something.  His gold band on his finger glistened as he pointed at me. And then, it hit me. I remembered him from the wedding. Tony.

"Bree...Brianna right?" He hugged me. "Long time no see."

"Hy! How's Abigail?" I said as I pulled away.

"She's lovely. Please come in come in."

As he closed the doors behind me it's as if I walked into a room of models. Two other handsome guys were sitting on the couch. The first one had dirty blonde long hair that he put in a man bun. He was with his headset playing video games and the other who had brunette hair looked calm and calculative just sipping his beer while looking at the tv.

Beer. Okay Brianna, just stay away from the alcohol and you'd be fine.

"Whaat, wha'd you say? Now that's funny. You know what else is funny? The fact that you haven't seen a live woman's-"

"Hey! Guys, meet Brianna. Brianna meet Aaron and Kelvin." Tony interrupted the blonde guy who was talking to someone with his headphones.

I was surprised by the elegance of Nathan's place. I was too distracted in the morning to notice it. His living room almost imitated a theatre room.

Just opposite the living room was a big kitchen with white and black cabinets. There was a glass wall that demarcated the kitchen from the twenty sitter dinning table.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Aaron" The brunette said as he came over and shook my hand.

Now I could see his face, he was familiar. They all were.

"I think I've met you before."

"Yeah, you actually have. Remember when you poured the drink on Nathan's face? I was the guy behind him laughing."

The thought brought a smile back to my face. That was immature of me but I couldn't help the smile on my face.

The dirty blonde looked at me up and down like he had undressed me already in his head. "I'm Kelvin. Let's get to the point what brings you here."

Okay, what's his problem?

"Don't be rude. It's obvious she's here for Nathan's birthday." Aaron replied.

"It's his birthday?" I asked dumbfounded and they all stared at me like why else am i here with grocery bags if it isn't for his birthday.  "It's his birthday yeah and I actually wanted to cook dinner for him as a present." I smiled as i tried to cover up. Dear God, forgive me for the lies.

I went straight to the kitchen as they settled in the living. I exhaled as I dropped the bag on the counter in the middle of the kitchen. "This is going to be a long night?"

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