Chapter Five

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Nathan's POV

It had been eight years since I left home. Everything my parents wanted me to do, i did. I had no option, i just had to follow my father's rules. If an average student studied to get an A, i had to study times two to be better. He always said 'Nathaniel, I'm preparing you for the outside world. You'll thank me one day.' It continued and one day he arranged a marriage for me. I was so frustrated. I didn't even get a chance to fall in love because of the loads of work he gave me and the high expectations the whole family had on me. As usual, i agreed to the marriage until the cup became full and shattered to pieces.

I ran away from home and started my own hotel business. It was very successful and we were opening many more around the world. Aaron my long time friend was visiting so I ended the board meeting early and rushed back to the hotel.

The elevator was about to close when I yelled to stop it. Inside was the bellman and a lady. She was sophisticated and in the same way appeared like a snub which was a huge turn off for me.

She was definitely not my type. I was sure she was arrogant, making everyone around her feel worthless. Who ever she was dating, sure was tolerating her. I could not tell her age because of her shades but the rest of her face looked young and delicate.

"Enjoy your stay!" I said to confirm my suspicion when the elevator door opened.

No answer.

Yup! definitely a snub.

I got to my room, reviewed some files, changed and went to the basketball court to shoot some hoops with the guests. Time flew by easily when I checked, it was 7:20pm and Aaron was coming by 7:30pm. I quickly got into the shower, changed and left.

I smiled as i saw Aaron. He was already at the bar drinking.
"Good to see you, man" I tapped his back.

"You're looking good."

"Yeah, all you gotta do is eat and drink everything the doctor said will kill you and you can look this good to." I said while taking a seat.

"What would you be having Mr Nathan?" The bartender asked. Before I could answer Aaron beat me to it.

"He'll have what she's having."

''Why are you choosing for me"? I asked

"I was just wondering what that lady in black is sipping. Look, when she takes a sip, she doesn't make a bitter face like we do when we take alcohol.

"If you are curious why don't you just go and ask her." I turned to Aaron.

"Na, she looks scary."

"What's so scary about her?" I turned to the lady and was about to say something before Aaron stopped me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Besides, she just roasted a guy that was flirting with her some minutes ago."

I ignored him. ''Can I know what you're drinking?" I said firmly towards the familiar looking lady.

"Mind your business." She said flatly like she wasn't talking to a human.

"I told you." Aaron whispered beside me.

I don't know what entered me to do the next thing I did but I went to her, grabbed the glass and took a sip of her drink while avoiding her lipstick stain on the glass. As the liquid touched my tongue, the urge to spit it out was eminent. It tasted awful.

Gosh! What was that?


I felt the wet cold liquid and the ice cube hit my face. The waiter suddenly came out and ushered her to her seat in the restaurant. I took a serviette from the bar table and wiped my face and shirt. The security men quickly ran to me and asked if they should handle the situation. I smiled and told them not to worry and to also leave it up to me.

"I told you, you shouldn't have done that." Aaron laughed.

"The nerve of that woman. Now I see why she was familiar. I met her in the elevator and she was rude. Well, she's not going to get away with it. Two can play that game". I gave him a mischievous smile.

"That's your problem bro. So, how was the drink"?

"I don't know it tasted funny but i'm sure it wasn't alcohol. I have to change my shirt. Be right back." I hurriedly ended the conversation in aim for my revenge. I walked into the restaurant and scanned the crowd.

There she was, sitting and laughing with her friends as if nothing happened a few minutes ago.

Well, part of it was my fault, it was rude to take her drink but I wasn't going to let her know that. So, i did the next daring thing. A waiter i knew by chance was passing her table with a tray of spaghetti. I knocked it and it fell on her hair.

I smiled, "Perfect." Revenge was over. I walked outside to go meet Aaron.

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