Chapter Seven

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Nathan's POV

It was very early in the morning. I couldn't sleep knowing what i did to her. Maybe it was too much. The words of Aaron kept on playing in my head like a broken record tape. ''What you did to her was mean bro, no matter how much you hate a lady you should not treat her like that".

I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was still four. I got up and showered and allowed my feet to lead me to wherever.

I strolled round the hotel for hours and decided to go for a swim. I missed the count of laps I had done and went to lay on a chaise longue.

I was drifting into sleep when I heard a splash but I couldn't see anyone so I went back to sleep.

Suddenly, I was worried. I definitely heard a splash and i was the only person there. I got up to confirm if I heard right and then I saw a figure underwater. I couldn't tell if it was male or female but it looked like the person was trying to commit suicide in my hotel and I wasn't going to let that happen.

I hurriedly went in and pulled the person unto the surface. It was a woman not just any woman, it was one I was not ready to meet anytime soon.

''You again''? She replied as we reached the top.

"Me again? A thank you would be more appropriate. I just saved your life".

"Saved me?'' She scoffed. "You just stopped me from beating my old record".

Even under water her hair was still in a ponytail. What was with her and ponytails or buns.

''I thought I told you to mind your business. Didn't you get the message last night?" She said while getting out of the pool and drying herself with a towel. My eyes trailed down to her smooth slender caramel legs and as she noticed where my gaze had gone to, she covered herself with the towel.

"Look, I don't care if you beat the record of Michael Phelps, Yang Sun or César Cielo. If you're going to die don't do it around me or in this hotel". I replied coldly and left for work.

Why was this woman always getting on my nerves?

Brianna's POV

I stalled before I went back to my room. I didn't want to have to meet him in the corridor or elevator.

The way he looked at my legs made me feel something in my stomach. Uggh! I hate him. He's so annoying and mean.

When I entered the room, Rachel and Jane were still sleeping so I decided to call Andrew to see how work was going.

"Hey boss." I could hear the happiness in his voice.

''What's going on at work and why do you sound like you just finished taking a dump you've been holding for so long."

''Very funny boss. Anyways since you left, your dad put Jake in charge of the home furniture projects. The imported materials came in two days ago and the process of the furnishing would hopefully start today and Jake also let me work from home''.

''I see. Are you enjoying home that much?"

"Very much, ma'am!"

"Well, don't get used to it or when I get back, you'll remain home without a job".

"Yes ma'am." He replied with a hint of fear in his voice. I liked doing that to him. Andrew was one of my trusted employees. Even if i tired him out, he never complained. He only joked about it. He was the only employee who had my back. I didn't even understand why he tolerated me but he was one of the few who could defend me when I wasn't in the room. That's why I couldn't let him quit his job.

"I need you to pay attention to every work Jake gives you. I can't help but feel he is up to something. I have to go now and hey, don't have too much fun.'' I said before i ended the call.

I could feel the bile rising in my throat and I quickly ran to the bathroom to release it. Every time I felt stressed I always vomited.

I guess I woke Rachel and Jane with my barf noise because i saw them standing at the door.
''Good morning" I greeted.

"Do you still throw up when you're stressing'' Rachel asked.

''Yeah and now it also comes on the first day of my period."

"Ugh! I don't want to be there to see your morning sickness then.'' Jane announced making everyone laugh.

As the day got brighter, Rachel and Jane literally dragged me out with them. First we had breakfast at a cafe, then went sightseeing. Finally, we stopped at a small boutique nearby to do a little shopping.

I wanted to get them things too. I told them I was paying and Jane made it her duty to buy half of the shop.

"What do you get for someone who works as a waitress?" I asked while looking at the options before me.

"Why, are you feeling bad for what you did''? Jane asked with a grin on her face.

"Yeah! I admit I shouldn't have been mean towards her. It was probably a mistake."

''Exactly! I was sitting opposite the two of you and I saw a guy walk in. It looked like he purposely pushed the waitress towards you. I wanted to say something but I was shocked by your new attitude. To top it off, he was hot. He looked chiseled and rugged". Rachel explained with a smile as she remembered.

"Why would someone want to do such a thing to her or did you annoy someone''? Jane said in more of a statement than a question.

''Well, there were two men at the bar. I embarrassed one and poured the other my drink''.

''Whaat?" Jane gasped. "In a way, you kinda deserved it.''

''Funny, but now am curious who can that be''?

"He had gorgeous grey eyes that were easy to notice.'' Rachel said while thinking of other features she could remember.

"Oh my goodness!''

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