Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Surely, there is an end and thine expectation shall not be cut off.
Proverbs 23:18

Brianna's P.O.V

At three in the morning, I heard my doorbell ring continually. No matter how hard I tried to ignored it, it still rang and echoed in my room.
I groggily walked towards the door and opened it.

"Are you kidding me? It's 3 in the morning, what do you want?" I tightened my robe from the chilly morning air.

"Get ready, we're leaving for Miami now." Nathan commanded as he came in and closed my door.

Even while my eyes were feeling heavy I wanted to laugh in a sarcastic way. "You're completely out of your mind. I'm going back to bed, close the door on your way out."

I walked to my room but he came to my front and blocked me. He looked like he was scared or something.
"It seems like you're forgetting something?"

Screw you, I don't care anymore. You're telling me to go to Miami with you by this time and on my birthday? Do whatever you like with the company Nathan, I'm done. Sue me!!! I dont care. You can't treat me like this on my birthday. I'm going back to bed, see yourself out.

That's what I wanted to say but instead this came out. "I'll go pack." I sighed as I went to pack.

I wonder when this will end.

"Be fast about it!" He yelled behind me.

Shut up!

"Good morning, distinguish guests. You're welcome on board this flight to Miami. Flight time would be 3hrs, 15 mins cruising at 38,000ft. Weather is fine and I trust the Cabin crew to take care of you. Sit back, relax and enjoy your flight. Thank you." The pilot spoke through the P.A system as we ascended in the air, in Nathan's Jet.

"So, why exactly are we going to Miami?"

He picked up the magazine,"We're going to see my parents."

"And why am I included?"

No answer.

"Alright, then." I covered my eyes with the sleeping mask and fell asleep.

"Anna, wake up or I'll leave you here." Someone shook me lightly.

"What?" I pushed the person in a groggy manner.

"We've arrived." He whispered.

"Already?" I squinted my eyes.

"Yes, now get up. They are waiting for us."

They? I stood immediately. His parents are outside and I looked a mess. No one had to tell me that, I already knew.

"Relax, they are not outside right now. Just the bodyguards and the driver." Nathan said with a shaky voice. I just realized he had cleaned up and he looked more tensed than I was.

As we walked down the stairs, there were four black cars with tinted windows and 8 body guards stood in front of them with their black suits and their security earpiece.
The buff one wearing black shades who looked very authoritative approached Nathan and I.

"Welcome home, Mr Hudson. We've been expecting you. I hope you had a gentle flight."

"Sure. Where are they?"

Why is his voice shaking?

"They couldn't make it. An issue came up."

"That's more like them. Always putting business first."

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