Chapter Seventeen

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Nathan's Pov

Brianna was smart no doubt. I actually enjoyed her company but she always found a way to get on my nerves. Especially when she started asking about my past.

She wasn't a snob like I thought. She was actually a nice person. I noticed how she genuinely complimented the waitress and helped out a stranger she didn't really know at a wedding. I honestly didn't know what was going on in her mind when she appeared with that baby bump but she reminded me of Sophia.

Her suggestion on getting a house was really good but I wasn't ready.

I debated if i should tell her or not. We weren't really that close for me to tell her my secrets but I just had to shut the girl up.

"I was brought up to be the perfect child." I chuckled bitterly.

"I'm an only child to a billionaire. The pressure was terribly hectic. I did everything to make my family happy. I mean everything. What ever you imagine, it was much worse. One day, my father arranged a marriage for me. They said it was going to improve the family's business. I wasn't ready at all but i had to say yes to my father. The rich were getting richer and my happiness was getting ready to be buried." I took in a deep breath before I continued.

"And so, I agreed to it. We were supposed to go on dates before we got married to make it look more natural for the media. I won't lie, she wasn't bad. She was pretty, kind, always smiling and she cared for everyone she knew. She confessed her love and i found myself reciprocating her feelings. She was without fault and easy to settle with. My dad pressured me and I proposed to her."

"Why isn't she here then?" She asked before she took a piece of her cake and savoured it.

"She was pregnant with my child but she lost the baby. It was my fault. I was angry..drunk. I couldn't listen to anything my dad had to say again. He was controlling my life. I angrily left them at the dinner table and she followed me. I-i just... Everything happened so fast. I was driving. I thought i could control myself. I thought i wasn't even drunk. It was raining heavily and i tried so hard to focus on the road. I really did. Suddenly, a car came out from nowhere and slammed ours into a building. I....i killed my child." The mad rage that I worked hard to mellow down through therapy suddenly rose.

"Oh My!" She put a hand over her mouth.

"I-i thought we were going to get pass it together but she ran away and never came back. I hurt her badly. I couldn't forgive myself. After therapy, i ran away from Miami. I blame my father for everything. He pushed me. If they never pushed me to get married, things wouldn't have turned out this way." I clenched my fingers.

"I wouldn't have lost my child."

Brianna took my hand in hers and gave it a light squeeze. She looked outside the window as if she was searching for someone but brought her attention back to me. "I'm so sorry. I truly am. Losing someone you love is horrible and you lost her and the baby."

"You don't have to remind me."

"Have you searched for her?" She looked out the window again. What was she looking for?

"Yeah, i have but I don't want to rush her. If she wants to meet me she would."

"Is she the one who taught you how to cook?"

She nodded as if she knew the answer when I didn't reply.

"I think you should talk to your parents if I had-" I held my hand up to stop her before she finished.

"Change the subject." My voice came out harsher than I expected. I inhaled and exhaled slowly to calm myself down.

After an awkward long silence, she broke it."This cake is really good."

"Why didn't I get any?" I had a feeling the waitress didn't like me.

"I don't know." She shrugged and her curls bounced on her shoulders.

"You should let your hair down often. It suits you."

She looked at her reflection in the window before she said. "Maybe, I should."

A different waitress came with our bill and she payed immediately. "You know, in some movies, the guy always pays for the meal even when the girl insits."

"They do that on dates. Friends split the bill. It's not my fault you hurriedly payed."

When I got back to my suite, I packed my suitcase for Brazil. In the process, I started thinking of Brianna. Slowly, she was clouding my mind. I just realized that Brianna was a stranger to me. I didn't even know her last name yet I trusted her with my secret.

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Published:  June 2019

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